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Image Comments posted by rhawn_fischer


    Fake. unless you can provide information as to the wereabouts for this geological formation, and provide evidence that this photo has been manipulated and not generated...



    need a polarizer so i can stop f'n round with it in photoshop. this

    original idea/concept was from my photography teacher, Mr. Sawyer.

    sadly i forget his first name


    Stephen King would like this picture, im almost sure of it. Read some of his Dark Tower series, and ull know what i mean. This reminds me of the riddling train. Awesome picture btw dont change anything


    thanks man, thats exactly what ive been doing. i noticed on all my night shots the "jaggies" in the picture, ill try your recomendation. ty a bunch!

    Eye of the Dragon

    no way, get closer!! good pic... the thing with me when im taking pics of these guys, is they allways buzz off when i get within 3 feet of em... little buggers...


    if it wernt for those shadows id say that gate was fake! it looks wierd... plastic... anyways good capture.. got the dogs attention... the eyes look cool


    ducati country... looks like a course from tour de france... i wonder what this same pic would look like through a fish eye lense. good job btw!
  1. ever read the dark tower by stephen king? there is a scene in the book which describes a field of flowers leading to a dark and ominous tower... or something along those lines. first thing i thought of when i seen this pic. nicley done.

    JP F114

    i just thought that stomached looked out of proportionatly big. ive seen pregnant woman before, only a very few in person, but always early in pregnancy. i dont know how big the baby is when it first comes out, the youngest baby ive seen was 9 months old. it was an honest question no harm or disrespect intended. i apologize to the photographer and model, and to agata!



    Just a day in the zoo. seemed like a neat picture at the time, i

    added the fog filter effect in photoshopped, where i also cropped it

    and adjusted some levels and contrast. otherwised un-edited

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