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Posts posted by flemming_s._christensen

  1. <p>Last weekend I visited an art museum that had just given in to cell phones with cameras and allowed photography, but not flash of course. I was quite happy and walked along with my camera on the shoulder kept close to my body with my left hand and my wife in the right hand. <br>

    Then the first lady came by: "It's only allowed to carry your camera in your hands!" My wife convinced me that I would normally bend forward to inspect details and hence could unintentionally bring the paintings at risk. This was a rule worth a lot of respect, she convinced me. <br>

    Then the next lady came by: "Hold your shoulder bag in your hands, please." My wife normally carries her small pacsafe shoulder bag - on the shoulder!</p>

    <p >So holding hands was now impossible, right?</p>

    <p >And tripods, lances or samorai swords – don’t even think about it! </p>

    <p >Flemming <br>




  2. Chris, funny you mention a Konica Hexar camera. In 1999 I bought the Silver model for my son for his trip around the world with his girlfriend. It is a range finder with the Konica Hexar Lens F2.0 made in Japan, a real gem. It has a powerful set of batteries and is extremely silent, excellent not only for landscapes but also for street and indoors. Weight 500 grams, OK if you just walk or go by bus, car, bike, plane or horseback. The successor camera could exchange lenses and could even accommodate Leica lenses. Best wishes for your journey, Flemming.
  3. Laura, getting closer to dry-docks? I always bring a security helmet and ditto jacket in the trunk of my car just in case I need to create a sort of professional image. For a woman: No make/push up. Next, communication is important to break down your inner barriers. If the answer is NO, then ask for any advice that could otherwise bring you through to your goal. Get closer to their line of thoughts. I’m not in the US, but my guess is this would work anywhere. Flemming
  4. I have shot Tall Ships once, but not in the US. The whole parade lasted for an hour and a half and I was almost bored to death by waiting until the next ship passed by with hopefully yet another mast.


  5. Children's portraiture in available light?

    One way to go is manual focusing and continuous shooting.

    In this case you need more than the 2.5 frames per second on the D50.

    I would say at least 5 fps. Which means D200 and up.


    If no AF and 5+ fps works for you, the Zeiss ZF lens series (absolute sharpness generally from f/2) is an option. You will get very, very sharp focus and shallow DOF.

  6. Ilkka, I have replaced the Zeiss front lens cap with Tamron 58mm Snap-On Lens Cap (B&H# TALC58). The Nikon 58mm Snap-On Lens Cap (B&H# NILC58) looks quite similar. Also found an old FinePix 58mm with security string.


  7. Louise, in this photo (D200 handheld with Zeiss ZF at 1/125, f1.4) the right eye (left in the picture) is sharp, although a bit soft because the lens is opened full up. At f1.8 the left eye would be sharp as well, I guess. To get more sharpness you would stop down to say f4 with the risk of blurring due to camera shake. The D70 could easily do the same job using the little green diode.


    In my book the Zeiss ZF 1.4 is very good lens indeed. I am not a test person, but at infinity (no focusing involved in this case) it is far superior to the Nikon 50/1.8D. I have not tried the ZF against Nikon 50mm 1.4 at infinity - Shun could easily do that.




  8. Darius, your picture for sure attracts my attention and conveys an idea (among the criteria Stephen referred to). To me the guy looks as if he just woke up after a long nights sleep with a terrible nightmare.


    In this perspective the photo is a more like a sketch, an inspiration to further development in PS and hence not really ready for the final critique.


    To illustrate - I hope you don't mind the distortion of your photo - I have tried to convey the idea I got from your photo.<div>00FrcC-29180584.jpg.7e3978fd7e2f6b72a9e2ba4333258857.jpg</div>

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