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Image Comments posted by d2f

    Bamburgh Rocks

    I think the shot is a nice one, but for some reason I see the horizon line tilted. I am not sure why, but appears as if the horizon dips to the left, just a tad. It could be an optical effect of one side being lighter and the other darker that is fooling my eyes. Outside of that a nice shot.

    Colors of Autumn

    I like this type of image, with the colors and all. Yet when I look at it I see two separate images. One on the left and one on the right, and split down the middle. The image on the right is one of a tree with colorful leaves, whereas the one on the left is the colorful leaves all by themselves. Maybe if the image on the right was a shot in a portrait-vertical it have done it for me. The image on the left would have worked if the camera were tilted up, filling the frame with vivid back lit colors. But that is just me, if you are happy with this image that is all that matters.

    Julie #2

    I like the overall portrait, but felt it could be slightly improved with some selective cropping. Try to crop tight on the face and hair, like a magazine cover shot and you will create an image with even more impact.
  1. Do you see the light triangle on the left hand side (middle)? It is distracting to me. Use PS and remove it and see if the image is improved or not. Just holding my finger over it on the display tells me the answer will be yes. By doing so your eyes are drawn to the subject(s) of the photograph. Nice shot of the CA old mining town interior with bottles, but I am not sure what the image is trying to convey to the viewer, outside of just being a still life. Have you tried viewing it in B&W? It might carry more impact that way. The other thing I would have like to have seen is the full length of the shadows, but is just my preference.
  2. Cannot get to much better than this, you captured her personallity and her eyes search the viewer's soul to finally make a connection, as if we were there at the time the image was taken.


    I love the image, the model has a beautiful face and the lighting brings out her alluring eyes. The image captures my attention and doesn't allow to leave without my heart being touched. Great work.


    Let me start by saying I love your work, but this one image falls short of your high standard. But then again it could just be me. Where the image falls short is at the shoulder, the small bumps take away from the fluid nature of the image and the roundness of background.
  3. The image has emotional connection with the viewer. Eye to eye contact is key. But the other hand being cropped off is, in hindsight, not desireable. I would try cropping in closer and see if that helps the image or not. For example, cropping out the upper portion just enough to remove the distracting background elements. And maybe cropping off more of the arm so it is not distracting as well. The other two edges of the image are OK and should not be cropped. Bottomline, if you like the image the way it is then don't change a thing.
  4. Technically the image is OK. The leading lines take the eye to to the appearant subject. The storyline is a little vague to me and the title doesn't help. For example, I am not sure what the empty structures role are in the image. Nor am I sure what to make of the large number of birds either. There are to many possible subjects in this image, by selectively cropping the subject may stand out better. But even with that the story is just not there for me. There is no strong sense of connection or emotional impression being made here on the viewer. But again this is only my first impression, I am sure other reviewers will educate me by stating the storyline they read from this image.


    seems to be missing something in the image, bird in the water, man or woman or child seated off to the left hand side, something, anything, other just an OK image


    if it were me I would crop out a little of the wall to the left, the lighting is a tad to hot and distracts the viewer's eye from the subject just a little. try cropping the the left three plates out and see if you like the image more or not

    scream 2

    has impact but lacks a story, doesnot answer the question why, for example spilling pills from his hands, would have given this image a story and a reason why
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