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Posts posted by pierre_dhonte

  1. Mark,

    I calculated as you said and it makes a lot of sense. I shot with a 50mm

    and Sigma gives a GN=40 for that focal and 100 ISO. I guess I could divide by two this number from the bouncing and for f=5.6,8 and 11 that

    gives me the maximum distances 3.5m, 2.5m and 1.8m. I should keep these numbers in mind. Thanks for your help, it's all clearer now.

  2. Hello everyone,


    I wanted to check the TTL features of my Elan 7 and Sigma 500 ST so I

    did a stupid check first and, of course, I am a little confused over

    the results. I shot indoor with NO ambient light on tripod with the

    flash bouncing of the wall, no FEC. Without ambient light I can go to

    Manual mode and set 1/125 and different f-numbers and I should not get

    any noticeable difference, the background being very close to the

    subject. But I did. With higher f-numbers I lost some light. Can

    anyone explain this? I could only come up with two possible

    explanations: 1) It is due to the inverse square law fall-off of the

    flash which could be already delivering the

    maximum ouput with the smallest f-number, but the flash was pretty

    close to the subject so that would be strange, 2) Is it possble that

    the flash-camera system calculates the flash ouputs when using the

    autofocus knob and not the shutter's - both are separated on my camera?


    Thanks alot, Pierre.

  3. Thank you all for your answers! To those who insist on learning, I already am in the process of learning, I do the theory myself with books like "Basic Photographic Materials and Processes" but I had not thought about a "hands on" class. I started looking for some and I'll try to find some more "field" photography books too. Someone said digital was no replacement to film and I agree, I will definitely keep my Elan7. But it's also easy to be receptive to the pro 10D arguments! The two cameras are very similar so having both could be on the long run a cheaper way to produce better pictures. To sum up: I'll wait a little bit, to convince me that I am indeed learning and paying attention to my mistakes - i.e., that I'm not lazy - and then I think I'll go for the 10D. Thanks again to all!
  4. Hello everybody,

    I've bought an Elan 7 six months ago and used it on about 50 rolls

    now with the 28-105 II and the 50 1.8. I don't know what's the price

    situation where you're each living but here in Sweden it's pretty

    expensive. Those 50 rolls and their development cost almost the

    price of a 300D. And since I'm not any good, I get 2 decent pictures

    every roll. I'm putting up a tight budget and I basically have two


    1) Go for a 10D (I don't think I'd like the 300D), pay for the print

    of the few good pictures and get a better lens next year or so,

    2)Buy a nice 85 1.8 or 100 2.0 and use the rest to cover film usage

    for few months. With some experience, what do you say is best? I

    mostly take pictures of people.

    Thanks, Pierre.

  5. Hello everyone!


    Sorry to disturb but I'm going to Bonn next week and the shop I was

    dealing with here (Sweden) just told me they can't deliver my

    objective before, so I'm thinking about buying it there right away.

    Does anyone know where I should be looking? (I tried to "google" a

    bit, but I can't read German...)


    Thanks, Pierre.

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