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Image Comments posted by starshine


    What makes this photo special and original is not the beautiful female shape and not even the use of negative space or the nice graininess although all of these contribute strongly to the overall effect but the light she holds between her fingers. It's like a rip in the night surrounding her which allows the light of day come through. Thanks for sharing!


    Less would be more. Without the reflection I would like it much better. Some ideas: Try a vertical shot from directly above the models. Do it in BW to enhance the contrast of the two bodies even more!

    J and N

    What a good atmosphere this photo has! But I think it could be even more better. I think the shadow on the face of the right (for us) girl too deep and they would look much better at front of the trees such as the back


    Congratulations! Very good emotional photo! She's almost floating above the earth like a saint would! But I see technical problems. Some blur is acceptable with such a theme but it is too much on this one. Maybe the downsampling causes it I don't know.
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