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Image Comments posted by rich_evans

    Casual Moment


    I was not the 'hired gun' for this wedding - I was an invited guest at the

    wedding for the son of a friend, however I did take a number of photos

    from areas that I knew would not interfere with the hired help. This is

    hand-held, Nikon D300, ISO 200, 18-200 AFS VR, available light (the

    sanctuary was well-lit through side windows), no post processing

    except slight crop.


    Thanks for looking,





    OK - since you asked....


    Generally an OK shot, but not great. Without knowing your intentions, my immediate reaction is that the model's hair is too close in contrast to the background - perhaps a hair light to add some highlights. The ring light is just too spooky for me on this image - I think you would do the model more justice with some more traditional lighting techniques. Her pose also looks a tad uncomfortable. Keep it up though - lets see more.



  1. Nice shot of a real classic. I like the contrast between the background and the stark body. I initially thought that some additional depth might be an asset, but the more I look at it, the more I like it just the way it is. --Rich
  2. I've been trying to find ways to alter some otherwise un-interesting

    images that I've got into something more or at least different from

    the originals. This is one from a dull color image of a hot machine

    that just didn't make it....


    as always, comments are welcome.



    After closing

    I really like this image (6/6) - the colors and saturation are absolutely fine with me - the contrast to the monotones in the street and sky work to make the image wonderfully abstract and unreal. Don't change this technique - I noticed a few others in your portfolio which are equally as interestingly done with this or a similar technique. Don't let others negatively influence your visions - your style is your style and thats what sets you apart from others. Lets see more like this. --Rich



    Image of crystals under the electron microscope which I've

    incorporated into a winter holiday greeting for all my friends.

    Enjoy! --Rich

    Entrance of dragon


    Wojtek - Your images never fail to amaze. I keep coming back to them time after time. It doesn't matter to me how they were post-processed, I've done a fair amount of equestrian photography and know first-hand how much patience it takes along with an intimate knowledge of the animals and their behavior to even get images good enough to start with, without any manipulation. You just continue to take it to a whole other realm. Excellent my friend - I applaud your work - please continue. --Rich


    PS - do you happen to make calendars with these images? RJE


    Don't know if you could have done this any differently and still effectively pulled this off. The lighthouse is just enough off center and just slightly tilted enough to give some tension to the image - range of exposure is just right, nothing is burned out or lost in shadow. The framing of the lighthouse by the aurora along with the combinations of color make this an outstanding image - this would definitely be one that I would be hanging on my wall. Of course, the 'artsy' community here on PN will not like it because it doesn't necessarily 'speak' to them, but sometimes silence is golden. --Rich



    Thanks for the comments - this was taken from the ground totally unprepared - camera was set to incandescent WB and needed post correction in PSCS2 with filters - probably where all the post processing artifact originated. I tried to eliminate as much of the blue from the wrong setting, but the contrast and highlights along with the edge effects probably make this a less-than-ideal image ;-)





    I've been trying my hand at some avaiation photography lately. This

    image is slightly cropped from the original, and a bit of saturation

    applied to the blue of the sky. Any comments appreciated - good or

    bad. Thanks for looking. --Rich

    Mara crossing

    This is perhaps the finest image of this annual event that I've ever seen - you've captured the dynamics of the crossing and your timing on this shot was perfect - I wouldn't change a thing, composition or exposure - perfect. I rarely rate images anymore but yours gets one of my top rates 7/7. --Rich

    Boiling Water

    Tom - this is a mesmerizing image which at first I thought was a manipulation or juxtaposition of a fractal image and water bubbles. Very nice - the color adds a further touch of mystery. Nice job. Thanks for your comments on my folder. --Rich

    Venus Rosebathing

    Hi Paula - very nice PS work and imaginative use of sensual motifs. Did you pre-plan this - that ie, did you intentionally pose the model to fit the rose - or did you have the images and just made them work? --Rich 6/6 BTW!

    Great Gray Owl

    Great shot James - I think the crop is just about right, the frame could be a touch smaller though, maybe 1/2 this size so the owl becomes more the subject than the frame. I wish there were more of this type of photography making the TRP. 7/7 --Rich
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