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gorm shackelford

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Image Comments posted by gorm shackelford

  1. Hi Naomi,


    If you're new to photography, then you're either talented or have had a bit of beginners' luck! It's a nice, intimate portrait of this little guy in his natural habitat. You've done well to focus on his eye, and as such I don't find the lack of depth of field at all problematic. In fact, because his natural habitat is so cluttered, the photo might have worked even better with less depth of field, provided you still managed to get sharp focus on the eye. I believe that the photographer's number one job is to SIMPLIFY the complexities of the natural world, thereby making his or her subject clear. Another thing that might have simplified this image is if you could have not included the bright yellow leaf, which distracts me from the subtler-colored mouse.


    Good work!


    Happy shooting,


  2. This is the second photo from my Cairngorms National Park project, moving from the wider

    landscape shot of the pine woodland to a closer view. In this case the pine is dead, and is

    only a secondary subject: a scaffolding for lichen. I like the counterpoint of the bright green

    grass in the lower right, though a friend of mine says he would prefer the simplicity gained

    by cropping out the grass --- what do you think?

  3. Dear All,


    This is my first request for critique here on Photo.net, and indeed my first uploaded

    photo. Why? Well, I've spent far too much time thinking about cameras, and far too little

    time thinking about what to do with them.


    That's all changing this year, though. No more depending on accidentally stumbling over

    photo ops. My mission is to create a portfolio on the Cairngorms National Park, which is in

    the Scottish Highlands, and is the site of some of the last tracts of the ancient Caledonian

    pine woodland that supposedly covered most of the British Isles shortly after the end of

    the last ice age.


    Thanks for looking!


    Happy shooting,



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