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Posts posted by jtuck

  1. The build is easy if you can get a cheap enlarger, my first LF was made from a beseler 23c and a few garden stakes from local HW store, didn't even need to go to the "depot".


    Next, get on the bay and get an enlarger lens, mess with it at f22-f32, (not on sunny days, you need a shutter) use it at night and on cloudy days, (reciprocicity and exposure, full minute exposures indoors is common for me with window light (B/W); just guess out the timing with your watch matched to your light meter (like 100+ years ago, minus the light meter of course.)

    if only then you are mystified by the quality of the photos, go ahead and spend the dollars for a lens with shutter and a better camera.

  2. I was in las vegas with my 4x5 gear just last month and I let them x-ray the film and they did a swab on it (the bag). No problems other than on the way in I walked through the xray at detroit (3am) with shoes and watch on... after a little friendliness with a wand-man

    I was on my way. Really if you just shut your mouth and let them xray it they'll be happy to pass you (even after seeing equipment that looks like a shoulder-fire RPG)


    BTW In the terminal where we purchased fudge (past security by the way)we needed something to cut it with, thankfully the burger king also in the terminal had plastic knives, forks, spoons. I guess you don't have to bring your weapons to war, they give them to you pre-flight!?!?

  3. covers multiple formats, but "The Photographers Handbook" is wonderful, gives ideas, suggestions, and lighting diagrams along with the internals of camera design. Basically gives you a starting point for any kind of shoot, churches, portraits, nudes, color correction. Great book tons of illustrations to go with each section... worth every dime...
  4. with a hoya R72 720nm (far, far red) i use ISO of 6 or 8 depending on weather and time of day... but you should use a more opaque filter. I've just been using the R72 for years and has produced great results ( and I can use it with Ilford SFX in my yashicamat)

    Rather long dev times in D-76 though (Wish the SFX was made in 4x5, not real infrared, but looks can be decieving...)

  5. the maco 820c (comes in aura now) Is a good film I use it between 6 and 8 iso with a hoya r72 filter. It does a nice job, I have examples in my public area. The only problem i've had with fogging is my changing bag isn't quite light tight and sometimes the septum on a few film holders leaks, but it is a dream to use and comes in halation and no halation layers now (I haven't shot to much aura yet)


    hands down, get a box, be careful and play with it...

  6. Easy answer: Quickly, and often...


    Use it as practice film, leave it in the freezer...

    I use outdated film as "boredom shooting film"

    When I get bored on a sunday and the day is too blah for serious shooting I use the graflex and two slaves to take snapshots of the cats and dog, in 4x5 of course

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