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Image Comments posted by chris_maryan



    Trying to get a bit more cosistent about filling the entire frame

    with the subject. This is the outcome.


    Your thoughts?


    Great shot, you found a really interesting situation and took advantage of it. Maybe it's just my monitor, but the ducks look a tad blurry, ask yourself if you were using a tripod or a fast enough shutter speed. Also, I realize this is a tough exposure situation, but I think a bit more light on the ducks would have improved things (fill flash maybe?). Great shot overall though, this is the kind of thing I would put on a wall somewhere.
  1. Excellent find, a lot of people would have walked right by this and not taken a picture. It looks a little artificial, like it's computer generated or something. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but it is interesting.

    PEI Beach

    This looks like a bit more than just increased saturation. Were the colours narually this orange or was that some PS work? I like the composition and the colours are very interesting. My thought would be to put more light on the foreground or change the composition to emphasize it less than the background. It sems a little conflicted between highlighting the background with light and showing the foreground front and center. Very well executed pic overall though.
  2. Thanks you all for your comments. Suresh, I think with the sun behind me, I would have lost the glare of the ice, especially on the limbs of the tree. That said, perhaps it would have shown some other detail in the image. Thanks again for the comments, and yes, it was cold.


    Was this done with just the ambient lights of the highway? (I assume this is that ship on the near St. Catherines just off the QEW) If any artificial lighting was possible, I would have put a bit more emphasis on the masts. Perhaps shooting a little earlier in the day would be the answer, to get more natural light on the whole ship.

    Autumn Panorama


    A nice picture. I like the colours you captured, not only the yellows, but the subtle blues of the background sky. The skewed trees are a little distracting and I would suggest either rotating or skewing in photoshop to straighten things out a bit.





    Joyful Summer


    Len, I'm not sure about the negative space. The black background seems like too much of a contrast to the overexposed areas on your grandsons arm and on the pot. Perhaps I would have gone with some subtle, but still fairly dark texture. That said, my approach would require tighter cropping on top, and less background in the image in general. I like the composition of the kid and the flowers, but the right side of the image seems too tightly cropped. An interesting lighting and composition for such a portrait overall, I'm not sure if I would have done it this way, but it still apeals to me.



  3. Really amazing shot. It's a site I'm quite familiar with but have never had the opportunity to photograph. I'd be interested in seeing what the two bracketed shots looked like (i.e. what areas were washed out in one or the other). Good timing on the sunset, any later or sooner would have probably changed the scene drasticly.

    Trees & Ferns

    Great pic Len, I really like this one. I suppose if I stare at anything long enough I can find something I'd like to change, so here goes. I think the 1/3 rule for the ferns is a bit too much, their bright colour really a bit too distracting relative to the tree trunks, so maybe a tighter crop on the bottom. The other alternative would be do go 1/2 stop darker. Then again, this could all be due to the fact that I'm looking at this on a lousy LCD monitor at work. A square cropping of the right side might be interesting too, where's that Bronica of yours? One person suggested a lower perspective shooting up, I'd like to toss up the idea of a higher perspective shooting slightly down, getting the sky out of the picture all together, making for a more consistent range of grays above the ferns. It could also be just the fact that it's Friday and I've been at work a little too long. Very nice picture, it'll probably end up as my desktop wallpaper for a while.

    Red Path

    Many thanks Len. Your comments are always praise from the master (I use one of your Elora pics as my desktop wallpaper). I like the cropping you offer and will keep it in mind on future photography runs.

    Loch Ness

    Great pic, very clean looking. Perhaps pushing the contrast a bit, especially in the sky, would get some more features into the image. Maybe a candidate for a cir. polarizer?

    Red Path


    Thanks for those comments. Regretfully, the blur is a product of jpeg compression. It's a really detailed image and JPEG doesn't seem to like that. The blur happened when trying to get it under the 100k limit for photo.net.


    Simanta, the shot was actually taken from eye level, and I'm 5'8". I think it's a bit of an illusion caused by the fact that the trees on each side are actually a lot smaller than they look. I think I had to duck to go further down this path. The path is only about one foot wide. Thanks for the comment about the colour, I tried something brighter and had varying results. A more yellow version of this picture was ok, a bit brighter and worked well with high contrast. But I actually had to lower the contrast (mostly reducing the white to a gray) for this red/orange version. Maybe I should have stuck with the yellow version.





    Red Path


    Any thoughts? I the colours are heavily touched up in PS, but in a

    way that still lets them look fairly natural. Taken last Sunday in

    Cootes Paradise in Hamilton. Comments prefered, ratings welcome.





    Star Trails in Gold

    Nice novel approach to a traditional picture. The lake really adds something. Technically, it could be much sharper, I'm not sur if the tripod was shaky or if it was windy, but consider a more solid camera support next time. The lighting is a little strange too, I'm not sure what to make of it. Perhaps the shadows are a little too dark.
  4. Len, great pic, they may be a dime a dozen but I still like em. But since you ask for comments, if I were to pick something to improve, it would be the colour and the location where you were standing. As someone else suggested, the colours could be a bit more saturated, perhaps shooting a stop or so darker would get the right effect (keep in mind though that I'm in a lousy position to judge as I'm viewing this on a crummy LCD monitor at work). I don't know about the area where you were shooting, but I think I would have tried to go further to the right of the image and tried to shoot more directly across the lake. My $0.02 (that's a canadian 2 cents too, more valuable than it was a couple years ago).





    Useless PCB

    Thanks for the comment. I agree, I should have done it without the coin. This is a side-effect of the fact that most of my photographs start of with having some functional purpose. In this case I originally took this shot to demonstrate to a friend the level of detail achievable in making the circuit board, and the coin was there for scale. One of these days I'll have to sit down and start taking pictures simply for the sake of taking pictures.

    Useless PCB


    A poorly designed PCB, made to test out a milling machine. I took

    the picture as part of my fascination with textures. I happen to

    like the brushing of the metal.


    Any thoughts on the quality of the photograph? Comments would be

    most appreciated.




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