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Image Comments posted by fotofont



    It sure has that special attration which makes you want to be there on the scene. Her pose, the background, the small road, the wheather, her dress... All of the elements wrap up together so well.

    Very nice!

    Zs 603


    I find this superb. Your pictcures don?t show just nude bodies. You are able to capture some inner esscens that makes them all look so captivating. It seems to be the product of a perfect aknowlegement of what you pretent to capture. All with a perfect tune with the model.

    I'm yet wandering on how to start bringing a model/friend to a session for some nudes like yours.

    Thanks for sharing.



    I find this photo a truly jewel to admire. Compositon, color range, light and whatever

    Tomas did to achieve this resulting image, have been so well chosen for my taste.

    Best regards.



    To everybody, thank you very much for taking your time to write your thoughts on the photo/s.




    For my professional works as a product photographer and architechture I only soot digital and mostly in colour. Either with a canon 1Ds or the my new Hasselblad H2d which I love to work with!.


    On the other side, my personal approaches to photography are generally with b/w film. I'd say 95% of the pictures I'm posting here at photonet are with film. Lately, I have to say, with the H2d I like to do some "personal" work too.


    In the locksmith series, everything has been shot with the mamiya, a yashica 635 and a Pentax 645, exceptuating this picture and the one that follows this that have been shot with the H2d and not with the 1Ds as it is anounced (mistake).


    I truly believe the magic of shooting film and developing will never be beaten by any electronic device.


    Best regards





    I just think this ...... (whatever it is) would have to be in a very definite corner of photo net. If I wanted to rate some photos ( on that random photo rating ) and apeeared something like this, I would just recieve a soooo dramatic down, that I'd finish rating...

    Mr Wu



    It must be said that when you see the thumb of this image, it creates the need to see a lager version because it is somehow striking. But I totaly agree with Ricardo that this image and plenty of overmanipulated images in this site don't smell that trueness that made me come into photography some 10 years ago.


    I myself, retouch in PS some things but not to the point where you woldn't recognise the original if I want to call that a photo...



    I like this very much but i'd try to crop some of the top and left so the guy would be more important. Also, the whiter left side wouldn't distract at all.

    Anyway, well done!!!

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