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Posts posted by ma2hew

  1. Marshall:


    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree that the photo could be better technically. It is still good to hear what areas people think are both good, and can be improved. I am in no way insulting any kind of constructive criticism, more the lack of any criticism.


    Nic, Josh:


    You are right; Lex did a great job of responding.





    I have read books and even taken a basic photography class. They are a little easier on the ego.




    I think I understand you theory. I tend to have high ratings, which to you means that I must have lower standards of what I expect to see in a picture. That in turn makes you believe that I expect my lower standard pictures to be of a higher rating. Is that a correct interpretation of what you are saying?


    I think you are wrong, and have possibly missed the point. I do tend to rate pictures that would carry a higher rating more than a lower rating because it is easier to tell someone what you like about a picture than what you don?t like. Since I don?t rate without a comment, I tend to rate ?better? pictures. Maybe I need to practice what I preach and offer more suggestions and hope people take them for what they are.


    Secondly I think you have missed the initial point of this thread. The ratings are relative, and are therefore not a good overall indication of a pictures worth. Need I bring up the boob phenomenon again? What makes it worthwhile for me is what people can add to it, so I can try again.


    P.S. Comments like ?snap out of it? are not constructive. Don?t assume I have an ego, I am way better than that (everything after the coma is a joke).




    Thank you, I do tend to like a close crop.


    Again, ratings are relative, and I would much rather have seen your comment, than what you would have rated it. But just to prove my point, my wife gives the picture of her first born a 7 / 7




    I AM NOT EMOTIONAL! I am just feeling a little delicate today. ;)




    I know what you are getting at.




    I think there is another type of photographer. The one who takes so many pictures that one will be amazing. Kind of like the theory of a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewrites?.


    I understand your frustration over all the baby pictures. I used to be that way, but then I realized that it is pretty hard to get a five month old to do what you ?want?. There is no such thing as posing. Their heads bob around, they are constantly drooling. Really it?s a good thing they learn to smile at such a young age, because at three in the morning it the only thing they have going for them.


    My point; if there is actually on; is that this picture was a bit harder to come by that it looks. Even if there was no real great plan involved, or nothing spectacular happened. And if you think about it, this picture is unique. He is growing, changing and learning so fast, this image could possibly never happen again.


    Having said that, I understand that there are some technical issues. Can someone tell me how to consistently get a nice sharp focus on the eyes?




    Thanks for the encouragement.




    Are we sure that someone hasn?t started this already?




    It is probably best to start a 4 / 4 gang. But then the egomaniacs will wonder why they are just average.




    I couldn?t get the wife to consider changing the little fellows name to Mammalia.




    I still owe you a better explanation?.to follow. Thank you for all the comments.



  2. Ummm, I honesty didn?t expect this type of response. Since you all took the time to respond, it?s only fair that I respond back.




    I understand how hard it is to express to someone when there is something not quite right about a picture. I realize that this is an art and therefore relative. I still don?t think that a 3 /3 is acceptable without an explanation. I have given low ratings before, but I try and explain why, which is hard because I don?t consider myself an expert, and as such don?t always feel it is my place to criticize others. This is why I haven?t given a lot of ratings/critiques.


    Don?t take the jackass comment too seriously. I watch a lot of Corner Gas.




    You are of course right. I just thought that there may be a way to get my profile deleted.




    I am not here solely for the biscuit, although if they come my way they certainly taste wonderful. I also don?t have a problem with 3 /3 ratings. I don?t think that I am better than that, but most of us are here to learn. A rating without an explanation does not give me that opportunity.




    I have tried that, and out of half a dozen pictures I submitted that way, I never received a single comment.




    I?m not sure what the acceptable ratio is, but I try to comment on a mix of good and bad. I also make it a point to comment on someone?s portfolio if they take the time to comment on my picture.




    Wow, that is a way better explanation that I would ever normally expect. I don?t agree with you on all accounts, but that is each of our rights, and is one of the benefits of this site in a perfect world. I intend to give a full response, but you have brought up many good points that are worth thinking about and answering properly. Please allow me some time to form a proper response.




    Thank you for the apology, there really wasn?t one necessary.




    I don?t buy the ?grow thicker skin? comment. It?s not about that. It?s about giving people opportunities to learn from others with something to teach. Otherwise you (not you personally) are just here to show off. A rating (any rating) is subjective to someone?s taste, mood, phase of the moon etc. Just look at any picture with a boob in it (a debate for another day). A constructive comment is what I value most.




    I agree about the personal investment. That?s what kind of set me off today, although it has be bothering me for some time. This is a tough and diverse audience. Honestly I don?t always understand some of the stuff that passes for ?art?.


    More to follow, said baby in the picture in question needs some attention before bed!

  3. I am tired of the jackasses who rate a picture 3/3 and don't have the balls to

    comment. If they think they are so superior, maybe they could impart some of

    their vast wisdom. I want to cancel my account. Who can tell me how to do


  4. So here's my next question. I open a new picture and edit it. I save a new copy different from the original. Now I've got an edited version and an untouched version. That's all fine. When I get into doing more work on the edited version and try and save the changes I've made, it makes another edited copy, version two. I am finding this annoying. Is there any way to save the changes easily?
  5. Steve,


    You're a great source of info. I've been surfing the Adobe website and have found some interesting stuff although not yet specific to what I'm interested in right now. I'm going to give it another go today with the tips you gave me. I'll let you know how it turns out.


    A response to my request for critique on this picture was that there was some "underware lines" which there are if you look close at the bigger size. I don't know that you would see it on the thumbnail version. I did get rid of it by playing with on of the softening filters.


    The other problem is that I live in the boonies and unfortunatly high speed isn't an option so the video's aren't really a feasable option at home. Maybe at work on lunch though.

  6. I went out and got Elements today. And the first thing I have been finding is that the manual isn't as comprehensive as I thought. I noticed some people said that it takes a while to learn, and I expected that. However aften a few hours of playing I have become frustrated. The photo in questions I have attached. I had it posted for critique before and one of the comments was that you could see the clothing lines. I can't seem to get them to go away without being obvious that I altered the picture. Can one of you kind people set me in the right direction. I haven't checked out the links that were posted yet so maybe I am jumping the gun...
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