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Image Comments posted by jorge



    Jorge, I know you've been striving for the Salgado look for a long time and was about to comment on a thread where film & developer(s) used by him are discussed that the process is far less important than the camera work. You validated my statement, thanks!
    This image --as you properly explain its technical shortcommings- while not perfect in contrast, tonal range, grain (or lack of it), etc., is in the purest S. Salgado style.

    Forget the workflow, the image is the foundation! ...and as the MasterCard ad says, for the rest there is always Photoshop. ;)




    I'm not much of a nature shooter but now and then an interesting

    opportunity comes along. The poor little fly hit the web as I was

    waiting for Mr. Spider to get near the center. The repro rate is about

    1:2 on a full 35mm frame or about 4" diag. Comments and critiques much



    Linda, I'm leaving this comment here just to pick one place for it, because ALL the images here are excellent. I love abstracts and your images are some of the best I've seen on the genre. I imagine this one as an 11x14 on 16x20 paper, matted, framed and hung on a large wall. Terrific!


    Yes, heed Maurizio's recommendation. Crop the top to the whirl of her hair (about 25% of the image). Lovely face and mesmerizing eyes.



    I'm not a fan of HDR. Usually perceive it as a cliche and a pityful attempt to give interest to an otherwise uninteresting image; which yours is NOT. As an informal portrait it's excellent, even with the jumbled background. I ignore the equipment used but my advice would be to use a lower ISO, a larger aperture and a longer lens, in order to separate the subject from the background, and let the image stand out by itself, forget the fotochop FX. You might be able to save it with a Levels and Gaussian Blur vignette.



    ...I feel the expression is awkward. To my eyes it's not forthcoming, quite the contrary; a bit repelling. Like she was angry. A sexy pout, or just plain hint of a smile, would have made the portrait a success. Also, I feel the skin highlights are a wee-bit blown.


    I think you could have skipped the wave effect. The un-doctored image would be better, IMHO. However, without a direct comparison, it's hard to tell.

    La Loma

    Ramón, a truly compelling landscape, although -again- a bit heavy on the HDR and sharpening; makes the whole image too unreal, excessively tri-dimensional IMHO. If not for that, I'd rate it a 7/7! Kind regards from Mexico. -j.
  1. Ramón, the composition is fine; tonality and color too. The framing of the branches, albeit a bit of a cliche, also add to the composition, so they are justified. As an architectural photo, the building is interesting and the wide-angle treatment enhances the imposing aura of the image. To my eyes, a bit oversharpened --one sin I'm frequenly guilty of (it's easy to succumb to the temptation of making the image jump tri-dimensionally). I glided over your portfolio and you have some very interesting pieces there, although the critique is the same; try to go easier on the HDR effect and the sharpening. Another critique that took me years to learn: The digital frames do not add one single bit to the images. Ditto the heavy titles. Try to use a lighter scheme. I have gradually migrated from a wide mat to a 2px delimiting line. IMHO, it suffices. Good work!


    Just your cell phone? Living proof that the camera does not the photographer make. Excellent moment capture, as always Fer. Reminiscent of HCB's "Gare de Lyon" masterpiece.
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