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Image Comments posted by andrew_daniel

    Sarah eyes

    Sweetheart, she knows how to pose! And, you know how to take pictures! The lighting is fantastic, and the narrow DOF give it depth, while drawing attention the the focused area; face. Extreamly well done, I hope to obtain your level of work one day on a portrait.

    Wild. Free.

    The out of focus leaves in the foreground (use of depth of field) actually add to the photo rather than distract from the subject. Very well done, a chance of a lifetime photo op.
  1. Your right, its a picture of water drops in a bucket, thats all it was ment to be. Not every photo need be a story teller. The stop motion shows a part of nature the naked eye cant see. I know its been done a million times, but each are like snowflakes, no two are alike. At any rate, the picture is just pleasing to view, IMHO, and shows a moment that wouldnt be observed without *photography*. The slow shutter speed was used to 'soften' the water and allow for some motion in the surface while the flash does the stop motion. Im interested in further comments from other viewers please.


    Water drops

    This image type has been done a million times! But the magic to it is they are all different. This image is beautiful, the water beading off the leaves is very nice. Job well done, your use of macro settings were right on the money!


    Beautiful picture just as it is! It can tell a story, or just be something pleasing to look at, can be different things to different viewers.
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