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Image Comments posted by jerry_squires

  1. The shot is crooked. The bottom back of the CAT is out of focus(?) The rest of the shot takes away from the subject. Try cropping to the CAT - maybe the CAT and the Cabin. Reduce the contrast - make it sharper. Tends to be a bit gray.
  2. Perhaps it is fairer to say you have a great eye for composing color. The shots in this gallery are beautiful, but are not the original, unmodified photos, right? Do you use PS?

    Your art is impressive. What did the original shot look like?


  3. Great composition.

    The tree to the left leads down to the left headstone. The center headstone actually leads to the far right headstone. That stone leads to the bottom of the shot, which leads back to the tree.

    The cropping is great too. I really like this shot. Good contrast - looks like it was shot on a sound studio stage.

    Good Job!


  4. Hi Don,

    Great shot!

    Just a suggestion - what if you cropped the shot so the bottom of the tomestone is just above the bottom of the photo. Maybe offset it to the right.

    Even so, The shadows are great. i really like what the shadows do to the subject. The contrast is very good too.


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