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Image Comments posted by ernie_lorenzo


    I agree. wonderful shot, wonderful composition...you must have sat there quite a while waiting for this guy to come along and ignore you long enough for you to take this pic. but that out of focus eye really throws me off...


    love the subject and composition, and textures between subject and back wall are interesting. however, subject is too dark vs. very light background.
  1. pic has great potential, but it looks like the slide with the brighter layer is slightly off. it seems to be like the bright areas should be over the girls, not slightly to the side as they are. still looks pretty good, tho.

    Baker St

    I like this shot, it seems like the businessman is in a hell of a rush, moving way faster than everyone else around...the motionless people in the background help fortify that impression. however, i feel that this would have been a more powerful composition if you were backed up a little farther. instead, you cut off the poor guy's head and it gives an imcomplete feeling to the shot.
  2. I don't normally use a digital camera for these types of photos, but I was leaving on a cruise and didn't have any real cameras with me. I just aimed and shot this one, and I feel it came out fairly decently. The only modification made to this one was the color saturation level.
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