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Image Comments posted by don_risi1

  1. When the human subject of a piece of art (photography, oil painting, sculpture, whatever) looks directly at the viewer, they are connecting with that viewer. Not with the camera, not with the photographer. With the viewer. The camera, and by necessity, the photographer, are merely tools ? the means to an end, the end being emotions expressed through the photograph. It's what makes so many of John Peri's photos so great ? beautiful women who aren't afraid of their beauty.


    Personally, when I see a photo of a woman looking directly at the camera, that comes across to me as her looking at ME. When I see a photo of a woman who is looking away, that comes across as her **avoiding** looking at me. And a woman who purposely avoids looking at me is telling me she's not interested, and what a blow that is to my fragile ego. It's much more fun to have a woman, especially a beautiful one, tell me with her eyes that she thinks I'm interesting. And for a woman to bare herself, and look me in the eye is something truly special.


    As for the fill flash ? I'm with Jon Peri: better fill flash than no photo.


    The fact that the buildings exist solely in the reflection combined with the bridge and boat tells the whole story of Venice in an instant, no words necessary. Wonderful.
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