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Posts posted by vanessa_rogers

  1. oh god... at least i got a good laugh in this morning;... ;-)


    I guess i shouldn't take everything i read online as gospel, but i do use my computer

    a good portion of every day doing digital post production on every shoot... with that

    in mind, are there any good LCD's in the 600$ range that are still reliable for good

    color output? I have a Mac g4 laptop and it suits me fine but I find it's not the best for

    color correction and retouching.. I need something a bit larger than a 15 inch screen

    that gets too dirty too fast ... any suggestions?

  2. While researching a new Lacie Blue CRT for my studio and with knowledge of the

    benefits of crt over lcd for color consistency, etc i came across a few sites about the

    harmful affects of electromagnetic radiation.. suddenly i'm not so sure I want to

    spend hours a day in front of a crt monitor considering some of the scary

    commentary I found online such as the rate of brain tumor in computer programmers

    etc... very scary stuff... does anyone have any helpful notes to add to my torment, i'm

    almost ready to finance an apple cinema display at this point if it will save me from

    brain tumors.


    any thoughts would be much appreciated.

  3. I am shooting for a furniture store and they have a 10 ft conference table they need

    me to shoot for them. The table cannot be removed from the conference room which

    limits me to around 4 feet on all sides of the table. Apparently the table itself has

    some carvings in it and has an extremely reflective (mirror like) top surface. They

    mentioned they would like to have the option of cutting the table out of the

    background as well.

    I am very concerned about the issue of lighting this table in a beautiful way and also

    being attentive to the major problem of reflections. Has anyone dealt with a problem

    like this? Any suggestions, thoughts? My only thought was to create some sort of light

    tent around the table but that should be an interesting undertaking in terms of



    any help would be much appreciated.


    ps. I'll be scouting the site tomorrow and will update with a scouting photo at that


  4. I am about to shoot a campaign for a local furniture and accessories company and

    although I think the shoot could easily be shot using medium format since we're

    doing vignettes rather than large interior shots (at most we'd shoot a canopy bed in a

    room) the client insists upon 4x5. First off is it wrong for them to assume they will be

    able to crop numerous shots out of a 4x5 piece of film?


    Since i'll be shooting chair/table, accessories shots for the most part what would be

    an appropriate lens or lenses?? and which 4x5 camera should I rent and use? I

    recently rented a 4x5toyo with a 90mm for very large interior/exterior space and it

    worked great but my biggest complaint was the size and weight which made it very

    difficult to move around. Is the Sinar lighter and easier to use?


    I also attempted to use a film changing bag to exchange film and I can tell you my

    hands were literally dripping with sweat by the time I got 5 film holders changed front

    and back and it was EXTREMELY difficult. Any suggestions? thoughts?


    thanks in advance

  5. Do you really think that many of the photographers who have web portfolios really

    have model releases for every model? It's a promotional portfolio, not a stock photo

    for sale... I can say that while working in New York I saw many an instance where

    photographer's posted even celebrity portraits on their site without any repercutions.

    I don't know for sure but I doubt a case against it would hold up in court.

  6. If I photograph someone (real people) for use in a magazine and I own the copyright

    to said image... Can i post this image on my website for promotional purposes

    without consulting the model? I'm not picking unflattering images in any way... and I

    have much too many portraits to get in touch with every single model i'd like to post

    on my site. Any comments? Suggestions? Answers?


    Thank you in advance.

  7. I'm shooting a rather elaborate shoot this weekend and would

    love input from anyone who can help in regards to my lighting

    setup. I will give a quick description of the shot list.


    All locations will be the same in all shots. I am building a set 8

    feet high and 12 feet wide... I wish it could be taller but it just can't

    be. I have flooring of 40 sq ft tiles, again due to expense it can't

    be any larger, so consider my models need to be at least 3 or 4

    feet off the wall sitting or standing. From stage right I want light to

    stream in as if from a window with a tree outside blocking some

    of the sun.

    So there is my first question. I have aproximately 6 or 7 feet to set

    up a light at stage right, what light modifier do i use to create this

    window light? and how close should the cuculoris or branches

    need to be to the light or set to give the effect i'm looking for?

    Also, how can i simulate different times of the day using this

    same light source?


    Inside the set i have a wall light (actually set into the wall about 6

    feet up with a torchier(sp) style glass lamp housing that directs

    up like a bowl with a bulb inside. Second question is how can i

    simulate this lamp light?? from above using grids directed into

    the housing? Although the lamp isn't threaded into the wall

    electrically i might try to connect it to some power source and just

    use a slave strobe bulb.


    What sort of fill should i use? a broad bank from above with a

    grid to give all over directional light?


    What gels should I use to create moonlight? midafternoon light?

    morning light?


    I have an idea of how i will accomplish these tasks, but I really

    just want imput to see if there are things i'm not already thinking



    Thanks in advance for your help!




  8. I am a young photographer , been studio manager for 2 years and have been testing

    and freelancing off and on. I'm making a big move to Florida from New York City and

    I need to be prepared to have enough equipment to shoot without use of the studio i

    now manage and without rental houses at hand (moving to naples florida, closest

    rental houses are in miami, or at least i think that's the closest, have done some


    I currently have a canon d60, an old ricoh i rarely use, 1 profoto 1200 (12) pack with

    two heads, an elinchrome octabank, boom, stands, a 700ws travelite monolight, etc,

    apple superdrive powerbook and an epson 2200. Now I feel i should probably

    purchase a medium format camera to make it somewhat official.

    I'm looking for something versatile, portable, and excellent for on location fashion

    photography. H1 looks great but I am really not in any financial situation to lay down

    for that camera and everything that goes with it. Honestly I shouldn't even be looking

    new but I would consider trying for financing or a lease if that makes the most sense.

    I want something sharp, reliable and medium format, probably 645af and digitally


    I like special affects and i'm somewhat annoyed that mamiya and contax only sync

    with electronic flash up to 1/125th of a sec. Is there anything i can do to get that

    darkened daylight sky look with the mamiya or contax with a 1200 ws pack?


    With that said, can anyone give me insight on the pros and cons with a few medium

    format packages with price and the above in mind? is 645 big enough? Is d60 good

    enough for magazine editorial? advertising? Probably not and I know that some mags

    i've spoken with insist on medium format already.


    on another note these forums have already been a great help to me and I only wish i

    had found photo.net sooner.


    thanks in advance for your help!

  9. I have been offered a Hassy 500 ELM body for free. I've been looking for a good

    medium format system camera. Is it worthwhile for me to accept this body and

    purchase lenses, film mags and polaroid backs for this camera? I want something that

    i can use professionally for both fashion and portraiture and in time possibly upgrade

    to something better. Can i use these lenses with high grade hassy models? Should i

    keep researching this? Any suggestions? I have limited funds at this point so $ is

    definitely an issue. I'd appreciate any suggestions.

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