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Posts posted by davidamiller

  1. Sunil,

    Due to major storm damage this past winter, access to Mount Rainier has been very limited. From the most recent information I have read it will be very limited all Summer.

    If Mount Rainier is a must, I would recommend the Carbon River Entrance (the NW corner). Hike the road thru what is one the best sections of old growth forest in the park. You will get to see first hand the power of nature. Be very careful crossing any streams and pay close attention to the weather. A couple drowned this past winter crossing a section of Ipsut Creek after a heavy rain storm.

    I also think it may be a little early for Mount St. Helens. Victoria and San Jaun Island are always worth the trip. Deception Pass is a great side trip on the way to catch the ferry to Friday Harbor (San Jaun Island).

    Hurricane Ridge, the Hoh Rain Forest and any of the Pacific coast in the Olympic NP are worth the time to visit. I am not sure how much damage they had this past winter.

    Bring a rain coat and have a wonderful trip!


  2. I am planning to be in the park from Aug. 2 - Aug. 5. Could someone

    please recommend some of the better areas to photograph sunrise,

    sunset, wildflowers, wildlife, etc.? I hope this is not to broad of

    a question, just want to make the most of my time there.


    Thanks in advance!


  3. I spent this past weekend in the Hurricane Ridge area. It has been very dry, but the wildflowers are great and at their peak! Most of my time was spent along Klahhane Ridge. The wildlife is plentiful in this area. Two weeks ago I was lucky enough to encounter a very photogenic mountain goat. Best of luck!


  4. Take the N80 and get an Ewa-Marine dry bag. I took a trip last year to the Everglades and used my elan 7e. I also use this set up when I kayak in the Pacific Northwest.

    One word of caution as told to us by Ranger Bob, if it has rained make sure you are mentally prepared for the mosquitoes!!!! Sorry to say they can be overwhelming.

    Take lots of film and enjoy.

  5. In the June issue of Outdoor Photographer someone asked a question

    about using a wide angle adaptor on a digital SLR. The answer

    stated that it worked great (with a Canon 28-80mm lens on a 10D). I

    was wondering if anyone here had tried this? I have a 28-105mm and

    am happy with the results on my 10D. I just miss the wider angle.

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