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Image Comments posted by brian_guy2

  1. Lou Ann, in response to your comment on my pic of Dominic - this pic is of couse from Salvatore's! The king of kitsch - though he does serve a good dinner.


    We also were Buffalonians transplanted to the DC area (Elk Ridge/Columbia MD to be more exact). We have since moved back - though that might not have been the best idea. Unless you like watching a bomb explode from inside of it.


    I enjoyed going through your gallery! Good work.


    Take care,



  2. Dean,

    Sorry to hear about your neighbors house.

    In terms of the pic, I photograph a lot of fire department activities and know that it can be difficult to get a good picture, especially if you are an outsider. What bystanders tend to get are shots like these, of the backs of firefighters performing some task.

    What is more difficult to do is to try and work in the emotion, effort, etc. of the people involved - firefighters, homeowners, bystanders, etc. or to show an identifiable task.


    Below are some recent fire shots. In the one of the FF on the front of the engine, it would have been better if I had gotten closer and worked in his face.


    The key to a lot of photography is understanding what is going on (for example someone who knows baseball can get better action shots of a game than someone who doesn't).


    Not to say that any of these pics are great. But I think they have something to draw the viewer in a little more.


    Hope this is helpful.

    fire 1

    fire 2

    fire 3

    fire 4



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