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Image Comments posted by vatsun

    Pine forest

    I like your monochromatic treatment, it's different. Good DOF control. Maybe a more elevated camera position would accentuate the 3D nature of the scene - it kind of looks flat this way. That would also bring out the shadows for added effect.


    LOvely color reproduction, but did you use an onboard flash? The quality of light is a bit harsh for flowers, next time, I'd consider a diffuser on the flash. Beautiful picture.

    The Journey

    I tend to agree with Nathan. The other point being, lighting makes or breaks all still-life shots. IMHO the lighting is a bit flat, and because both table and pine cones are brown, and the incandescent lamp makes the background more or less the same tone. The concept is wonderful, I would just play around with the lighting a bit more.

    The Light

    Nice to know that I'm not the only guy shooting into the sun... but Ricardo's idea was my motive in 'Incandescence' :). Great framing and the wisps of cloud are positioned nicely.

    A Great end of day

    Two little things that distract me are the bright spot bang in the center lower edge and the patch of gray sky in the upper left corner - may I suggest you tone it differently? Otherwise fantastic, I love it! -- Vatsun

    Will Rice

    It would be nice if you could somehow preserve more features of Mr.Rice's statue. The inversion works great here, but maybe you should tweak your subject a wee bit more -- Vatsun


    Great idea. But the lighting I find too confrontational for a picture of an angel. Perhaps a source from the front, but slightly to the left and elevated could have been softer, and get the effect of a 'light from above' which would go well with the angel.


    Great DOF and compostion. I'd recommend playing around with the saturation and white balance, as color plays an important role in this picture.

    Real power

    Excellent picture! Very vibrant, full of action! The only improvement I can possibly think of is using a different DOF, and try to make the audience unfocused. But I guess that would mean longer exposures creating motion in the shot. Great Job!
  1. Great concept. I am a bit bothered by the asymmetry in composition (bright lights at lower left unbalance the picture for me). I suppose it depends on the location, if you can get a better shot. Nevertheless, job well done! Have you tried the usual 1/3 composition on this subject?
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