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Image Comments posted by charles_twiss1

    Sir Henry

    It looks quite good. As though you've stumbled upon it, while walking in the woods. Here in UK they are carved into the tree and after a while the tree bark starts to try and heal the incision. Over time it "envelopes" the carving and it looks as though it is a ghostly part of the tree. They are called tree spirits here and can be found wherever carvers have been in the woods. Some frighten the crap out of you if you're surprised by them!



    Distortion....so what. Imagine you exhibited the print. Would you expect a viewer to say,"Nice picture, shame about the distortion" or "Nice picture, shame it was'nt taken with a Canon, Minolta, Pentax, $500 lens, $1000 lens"

    You can go on forever chasing equipment and the perfect picture. If a National Geographic Photographer produces the perfect picture, it's either only perfect to some, ( you may not like it) or credit is given to his/her armoury of expensive gear. pictures should speak for themselves and this one does. Spend the money on travelling to wherever you took it and take some more!


    Fabulous picture. Real pro quality. The catchlight in the eyes draws the attention immediately to the face. Not so sure about the hand on the head making the elbow a bit prominant but still a cracking picture.


    There's no life in it. just an average image of no more than black and blue. Too much blue makes a picture too cold to be pleasing.
  1. Sorry, does'nt do much for me. The main subject (presumably the boy?) is lost and overall the picture is confusing. There is too much going on and attention is lost. The missing bench on the right is annoying as balance is lost. Does'nt work as an upright either!
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