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Image Comments posted by darrenw

  1. I've done very little abstract work, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    This is a shot of a wake created by a whale-watching tour boat in

    Maine. I had other ideas for the shot at the time of exposure, but the

    resulting shot never seemed interesting enough to work with.


    Eventually I decided it might be neat to play with its abstract

    possibilities. I converted it to B/W, messing with color channels to

    get a good contrast, and then applied a solarization filter. Now I

    sort of like it. :-)


    Please let me know what you think.



    Third Team


    Amid the myriad leading lines in this photo I hope there is a good

    composition in this photo. Any and all suggestions are most appreciated.



    I've tried a number of times to get something like this at a hot air balloon launch. I've never been happy with what I came away with. Your shot is wonderful in its simplicity. The curves contrast with the straight lines, the white contrasts with the dark red.


    A couple of things I'd try:

    1. Try increasing the saturation on the reds and brightening up the whites.

    2. Rotate the crop counter-clockwise so that the lower draped fabric hangs vertically.


    Love the shot. Keep on shooting!

    Mr. Yakety


    I'd appreciate comments on any aspects of this image. I did soften it

    quite a bit and I'm unsure if that is helping or hurting the overall shot.

  2. I dunno... It looks more like what snails have nightmares about! He looks trapped. ;-) Just kidding. I really like the light through the leaves. It would have been nice to have the back end of the snail illuminated a bit more, though I can see how that would have been difficult. Neat shot all 'round.


    Just when you thought you've seen all the cute kitty pictures you'll ever need to see, someone posts a wonderful shot like this. Very nice indeed.

    Little Bird 2


    I really haven't done much in the way of nature shooting. This little

    guy was really jittery and just wouldn't hold still. That, coupled

    with the slow shutter speed due to the cloudy day, made me glad I

    wasn't shooting film. Out of almost two dozen shots, this is one of

    only a couple that didn't go to the trash bin.


    Thank you for any and all comments or suggestions.

    Hot Habanero


    Just looking for general comments about this, my first attempt at a

    studio shot. It's a composite of two photos: The habanero itself and a

    4th of July sparkler.

  3. You're absolutely right about the color correction. I've learned A LOT over the past year or so and have been meaning to re-visit this photo and fix it up right. Thanks for your version -- it'll give me something to go by.



    Not having done much macro photography, I'm looking for any input I

    can get. The original exposure was of the entire flower, but I thought

    this cropped version worked better. Thank you for any and all comments

    or suggestions.

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