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Image Comments posted by william_p._ward

    Diana IV

    This is the second time today I have disagreed with a comment above mine--I think I am becoming thaqt guy. In anycase, while a higher cut-off or including feet I would back with all my might most of the time for some reason here this works for me. Very original crop and nice lighting. I loose the hat somewhat but I am assuming it is the scan, if it is not perhaps gradual dodging might highlight the hat more. Very nice.


    Extremely welldone! Not an easy photograph with a child of any age and you have executed it well with a infant who seems quite young for this type of shot. My only complaint is the crop which i think could come a little higher on the bottom, taking out that small dark spot below where the towel comes together.
  1. The misty quality of this photo is nice, however much of that quality seems to be lost by the exstensive foreground. I might suggest moving a little closer to the main subject, cropping out mostly foreground. Interesting place to shoot it seems at this time of day, might be worth moving closer even.
  2. Nice color, the rust-red in the sky work well as a backdrop here. On detraction however, and a big on is the black mass in the upper left. While I tend to enjoy trees limbs in the foregrounds of most daytime landscapes I find only destraction here, not being able to seperate it from the sky very well. Unsure of the location but moving forward a few feet might have been worth it if it removed the tree.
  3. Of all your shots this one is my favorite, though the size (on the screen) leaves a litte to be desired. However given the print size I assume that is by choice, and the image is clearly printed. My only comment is the on the in picture label. While its placement looks fine I find words within the picture tend to always detract from a photograph, leaving the title in a larger border would leave your picture clean.
  4. A nice shot to direct people who claim photography is all about having an expensive camera--sure it took some work but it was afterall taken with a phone! Nice ghostly feel from the harsh lighting and postshot work. Would be curious to hear more about infra-red and digital. (william.ward@maine.edu)
  5. Thanks for the feedback everyone, very useful stuff from everyone. No flash on this one, but another light could have done away with the shadow--I will keep it in mind for next time. I have a few more shots I have not printed with lighting more light James is suggesting, I will try to scan/print one in the next couple weeks an upload it. Thanks again to all who commented.
  6. I have to disagree on the B&W being a distraction, in fact given the minimalist look of the photograph color might even distract from the photo. I could stand for a little more contrast, however that may be more a product of the scan, as a can can never really hold up to a B&W print at this size. While I generally scrweam for more clouds in most B&W shots in this shot the dark sky adds to the simplisity of the peiece. You may be right about more space at the top, however the cu of does add some tention. My favorite in the folder.

    A beggar

    At least I hope it isn't, as I wanted to ring in even though much has already been said. I am attracted more to the original cropping than to an extrememly closer crop--though perhaps a slight amount could be taken off the right and left sides to pull us in some (maybe a almost square crop). In anycase I am drawn towards connections to Buddha sitting under a tree and searching for enlightenment, a connection that seems lost in a close crop.
  7. It is very hard (I find at least) to do good pet photographs, as in general they come out as all to generic. Nice job on this one, and while I think the eyes are unneccasary, they don't hurt anything. Thanks for your earlier comments.
  8. The bent tree among its strait compatriots is interesting, however the image might be served by making use of the shadows in a B&W version (slight adjustments to bring out the shadows)--Perhaps with a tighter cropping to bring out some of the trees texture.
  9. This picture caught my eye out of the many shots on the critique forum because of its color, in thumbnail form I was not sure what it was but it caprued me non-the-less. Nice use of the wet surface to enhance color and provide an unusuall reflection. The lines divide up the picture weel except the top of the fence which seems to distract me, perhaps croped out or having more of the top included so that the right top of the fence comes to a corner might prove useful. A shot withotu the polarizer might have provided better reflections. I think they are useful in the shot rather than a destraction.

    Balloon Boy

    Similar comment as the one above, if possible ZI would like to see a version in which the entire balloon is included. Excellent placement of lines from the door/floor/tiles, dividing the picture into thirds. Excellent expression and lighting on face. You capture children well.
  10. While I wanted to resist noting how bad the scan is I could not make myself do so completely, however being bad at scanning and photoshop I will concentrate on the shot itself. I just hope the actual print is a clean one, because the moment is an excellent one. Great expression and what from what I can tell with this scan, tones seem rich from the white on the rose to the dark mini-tux. Can't add much more because of the scan, nice shot, I am rating assuming the bad scan was not from a bad print.



    Pewter and Grass

    The golden tones in this image are enhanced well by the black background. Good lighting throughout the image except for near the bottom of the pewten vase. A small amount of light here might prove useful, though it is possible that the original image has more detail than the scan. Well executed image.

    The Moon

    I am drawn to the woodprint-like quality of this image, my favorite of those you have uploaded so far. With that said I will follow your critique theory by suggesting that you loose something of that quality in the far left of the picture. You may want to consider an alternate crop (perhaps a fifth off the left) or an addition of some of the color elements missing from this area that exist within the rest of the work. I am curious about your process....
  11. The beauty of the clouds above is an interesting opposition to the stream of dark smoke from the train, without them or with different contrast in the sky you might end up with what would appear a wasteland--the sky avoids that (though it may be interesting to see it). Might try a crop where the right edge of the tracks comes to the corner of the picture, though this is less a complaint over your own choice than an option to consider-artists perogitive. Nice image.


    Nice use of Photoshop, the mood you are looking to convey remains clear and the montage does not scream out digital (as good digital work avoids doing). This could have been done in a darkroom easily (but not as easily), it has the look to it.
  12. Thank you for your comments--sending a few your way as we speak. You called it right as camera shake. During our little make-shift studio session we took turn in the front position directing the model, this shot was not taken during my turn (as we were still encouraged to shoot). I grabbed my tripod off the ground to get in a good spot and rushed off a shot. However it was the only semi-effective shot I had so I included it.
  13. When I first spotted the thumbnail for this photo I was instantly drawn towards it, an original image with nice placement of the main element. However the dog is a bit blown out, and would be served well by some burning, perferably in the darkroom. Photoshops burn toll might also help depending on how much detail remains in the scan. The better the image composition the more it is worth getting it as perfect as possible, this is definately a nice image worth reworking.
  14. Nice Image, I am especially drawn to the shadows and the increasing intensity of the green as you move towards the back of the image. You might be served by cropping the image so that the trees are slightly less tilted, or if you added tilt removing some of it. More contrast might also bring more focus upon the excellent lines formed by the shadows.
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