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Posts posted by mark_ve

  1. I think I have a problem with the shutter of my OM-10. I have the

    feeling that it stays open to long. When the camera is on auto-mode

    and the indicator shows for instance 1/250 it 'feels' like at most

    1/30 or 1/60. And now that I have develop the roll with which i

    encountered this problem, it turns out that some pictures are very

    over-exposed. So I guess my assumption is right.


    But does any one knows what can cause this problem? Could it be the

    battery, which is in it for quite a long time?!

  2. I´m sorry, you´re right. Harvey is commenting on the cut of the girl in front. In his opinion it looks like a horrible mistake. I think the problem of this picture is the size of the foreground subject and the space between the foreground and the background.


    Harvey, is in your opinion the cropping wrong or is it something else I´m not getting? Maybe you could show an image how it does work.

  3. "There's a lot of this going on just at the moment and I reckon it's a subset of trolling. "Tell me how good my picture is or I'll get huffy". "


    As Marc Williams already told me, I shouldn´t dismiss to soon on comments. I´m not annoyed about your comment, but when I´m asking for critique, I think it is appropriate to suspect critique and not just comments. If you think this is a seriously bad photograph, please tell me why, I´m posting an image to learn, not to get a thick skin. I hope in the future I won´t reply in such harsh a tone.

  4. Indeed I´m open to comments (when useful), so thank you for yours too. After the comments of Donald and Remy I tried some photoshopping myself too. It came quite close to what you show here. I think it makes the image much more interesting and not to loud. It´s the first thing I learned here about compesition, I hope to learn a lot more...


    On the focussing technique, could you be a bit more extensive on that one. I´m not quite getting what you mean.


    About dismissing some critiques, you´re quite right. I´ll keep it in mind next time.

  5. I liked the "feestelijk inhalen", although it is not Dutch, it reminds me of the way a German girlfriend of mine speaks Dutch. I did get what you ment, thank you Donald. En Remy, jij ook bedankt.


    But most of all, thanks for the comments. You are right about the big open space. But the problem with crouching was, that the girl in front sat at a slope (the dark green area). The people in the back were quite a bit lower. To catch both the girl and the people in the open field I had to use a higher viewpoint.

    But while writing this, I could have asked the girl to get a bit higher at the slope. Using a telelens could solve the problem to, I probibly would compress the big green empty area. I´ll keep it in mind the next time.


    The critique of Harvey - how well-willing it might be - I´m not gonna take to serious, as he is critiqueing on a picture of a girl, while it is quite obvious that this is not a picture of a girl.

    If I wanted critique on a picture of the girl I would have submitted something like the above, but I´m able to critique on that one myself.<div>005NAk-13332884.jpg.ba104b550d310f0261d36fe9ac1aaeae.jpg</div>

  6. First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I´m a 25 year old

    Dutch student and interested in photography. Since a while I m

    particularly interested in rangefinder photography. But as I´m not

    able to afford myself a Leica, I got myselfs a Russian Leica-like

    cam; the Fed-2. I´ve got it with a 2.8/52 standard lens and a 2.8/35

    jupiter 12 lens. The latter I like most.


    I´ve been reading the posts here for a while and I like the commands

    and critiques given here. Although I´m not a Leica user, I think my

    way of photographing fits best in this part of the photo.net-fora. I

    hope you all don´t mind my presence here although I don´t own a

    Leicacam. If not, please redirect me to the right spot on this



    As English is not my native language, I might not be using correct

    grammar. I hope you all can forgive me...


    But what this site is all about ofcourse is photography, here a

    photo I took with my Fed 2 and the Jupiter 12. Both words and no

    words are very welcome (the scanning and compressing did pityfully

    caused a lot of loss of detail).<div>005N9v-13332684.jpg.6375784fb45f8b1de40911554c0751fb.jpg</div>

  7. it might be a bit late, but i just discovered this beautiful site and i still want to tell you about my own experience with 6X9.


    as i am from the continent of europe, i don´t have a brownie, but a collection of agfa´s 120 rollfilmcamera´s. one of them is the agfa clack. it produces - like your brownie - 6X9 negatives. as my enlarger can´t take negatives larger then 6X6 the only way to get the entire negative on photographicpaper is by making a contact print (i always make a contact print from any of my negatives). i personally like those 6X9 centimeter pictures very much. they are very sharp and - compared to a 35-mm film - they are quite big. when i want to enlarge the picture, i take the most interesting part of it and enlarge it.


    but in your case (for some reason), you would like to enlarge the entire image by scanning the contaact print and enlarge it to A4. i sometimes do that to, but the quality can not be compared with an old school enlargement. maybe (probably) you got a better scanner and a better printer, so the qualtiy will increase, but i can´t believe that you van make the same quality with the way you want to do it.


    but making contact prints is a lot of fun, so of course i recomment on doing that. and depending on the quality you desire, it could be well worth on making enlargements with the computer.


    and keep on using the holga, it´s a beautiful piece of shyte ;)

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