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Posts posted by phillip_dezwarte

  1. As a 1Ds owner, I have considered this same point. Much of my favorite photography is nature related, and particularly hummingbirds. As such, FOV is critical. That said, AF performance and lag times are also critical. When I bought my 1Ds in Dec., the D60 was the next step down, and it was(still is) my opinion that the two were incomparable. However, with the introduction of the 10D, I have given serious thought to selling my 1Ds and purchasing a 10D and a second hand 500 or 600 IS. I have not yet done so for the following reasons:


    1) Unwilling to give up AF system of 1Ds. Although I have yet to try 10D AF, it would have to be pretty incredible to match.


    2) Unwilling to take the big hit on wide end. For instance, at the auto show, I would have to back up a heck of a lot further for same FOV, including lots of subject matter I don't want.


    3) Faster shutter speed and sync speed of 1Ds comes in handy particularly with fast birds, not sure if 10D would be "good enough."


    4) I really dislike less than 100% viewfinders.


    5) I use spot meter predominantly.


    What I really need is to use a 10D for a week and see if I can live with all of the faults, and to see if the 1.6x factor makes up for them.

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