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Posts posted by imran

  1. <blockquote>

    <p>Ilya E: Ok, so you would have kept Canon too</p>


    <p>Only if I shot tight head crops wide open < 5 feet from subject :) Yes then I'd consider the Canon or Sigma 85mm. The 16-9 test is with the ZF version on an adapter and close range test results are more scientific to me than a reality in the field.<br>

    I find that I'm using my Zeiss much more than the Canon now due to it's ergonomics and image quality. It's a fun lens to shoot with after some practice.</p>

  2. <p>Yes I thought that Ben's comments were a little snobby :) At the end of the day it comes down to personal preference, since both are great lenses. I opted for the Zeiss due to it's compact size, build quality, color and rendition of facial features. If raw sharpness f1.4 - f2.0 at close focus distance was my only criterion than I would have kept the Canon.</p>
  3. <p>Ilya did you focus the lens close-up using the viewfinder or live view? I'm getting sharp results once you compensate for the focus shift issue and calibrate micro-adjustments to get focus confirmation. I usually shoot at least 5 feet away from the subject.<br>

    Brad thanks for the link, I'll update by blog post to include it.</p>

  4. <p>Finally decided to sell my Canon 85L and keep the Zeiss 85mm for portraits and travel photography. I've posted a short review and comparison on <a href="http://imransblog.com">my blog</a>.<br>

    Zeiss is a harder lens to use due to being only manual focus and exhibits focus shift at close working distances. Although, once you start nailing focus with practice, I found the colors, bokeh and drawing style to be better than Canon.</p>

    <p><img src="http://imranaz.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/mg_10031.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    <img src="http://imranaz.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/zeiss_canon_1_4_full.jpg" alt="" /><br>


  5. I've used the 24 ts-e recently with a Canon 1.4x for shooting products and was pleasantly surprised by the results. Most of the shots were at f11 with a few degrees of shift. I even compared side-by-side with a 35L and the 24 ts-e + 1.4x was slightly sharper at f11 towards the corner of the frame.


    I'm not sure if my copy of the 24 ts-e is exceptional, but I wouldn't hesitate to use this lens with a 1.4x stopped down.<div>00L9GH-36519684.thumb.jpg.811a04fb238d1138828c003bc57fbfb4.jpg</div>

  6. I ended up selling my 5D to get a used 1Ds for around $2k. If you primarily shoot at <ISO 400, then IMO the 1Ds is a better camera than the 5D.


    1Ds pros: Better colors, focus accuracy & speed, weather sealing, solid body, film like noise characteristics, shutter reponse and sounds like a 1 series camera.


    5D pros: Better IQ ISO 400+, lighter weight, larger LCD, better software.


    If Canon came up a 5D replacement with a 1N / 1V like body in Fall, '07 then it will be worth the wait. For now I'm enjoying my 1Ds :)

  7. Just got my Sigma 30mm today and took some indoor shots with a tripod to compare against my Canon 17-40L. Here is my quick take:




    - Noticeably sharper in the center @ f4 - f8. Center sharpness f1.4 - f4 is remarkable as well.

    - Obvious advantage for general low light shooting and portraits

    - Smaller size and weight. Seems to fit the 10D / 20D better than the 17-40L w/o vertical grip




    - Less sharp than the L in the corners @ f4 - f8 (measured focused object in upper left corner)

    - Less contrasty than the L overall

    - Won't work as well on < 1.5x crop cameras


    Everything else including bokeh seems to be approx equal between the two @ f4+.

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