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Posts posted by robin_betts

  1. At the moment, the gallery search system equates 'top' photos

    with 'popular' photos, which is fair enough, and interesting, as far

    as it goes. But isn't PN missing out on a lot for the want of a

    little SQL?<P>


    I would love a search option for 'controversial' pictures - i.e the

    ones that have the greatest weighted difference between their high

    and low ratings. This would do a lot to promote imaginative

    photographs, better, I think, than the 'originality' score, which

    people don't seem to use consistently. It would promote debate on

    issues beyond the purely technical, and help dispel the notion that

    there is such a thing as an <I>absolutely</I> good or bad picture,

    irrespective of the viewing context, or the intentions of the

    photographer. <P>A 'lowest ratings' search would help, as well - it

    may help damp the positive feedback inherent in the system.

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