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Image Comments posted by jeremy_podolski


    I agree with the cropping suggestion, especially since the waterfalls are dwarfed by the rest of the scene. I also feel like the image should be rotated a degree or two to the right. It seems off balance a bit. I think the subtle hues and the overall lighting of the scene is very pleasant and could make a nice enlargement.


    I think the composition is nice. The lighting feels a bit flat - perhaps some fill from the front would help. There also seems to be some significant chroma around your subject's edges and where white and black fur meet. There is also a lot of background noise. Some additional quick work in either ACR or PS could improve it from that regard.

    King Midas


    I'm not particularly happy with how this downsized from the hi-res

    version, but it's a close representation. I welcome all constructive


    School's Out!!!

    I like the atmosphere of this shot a lot and especially like the expression on the boy's face. This seems like a pretty spontaneous shot, so I doubt if you could change positions and have them run by again, but my suggestion on improving the shot would be for you to be slightly more in front of the subjects, which would allow you to see a little more of their faces and would also bring the children closer together in the frame. Other than that, nice shot.
  1. What a truly unique capture! This is both highly creative and spectacularly executed. I am impressed with your choice of exposure...really letting the shadows in the background of the image highlight your lighter subject, while the sillouettes of the people stand out.


    I wonder about the color cast (red...magenta?) I'm not sure if this was intentional or a result of uploading, but I'd be interested to see a pure black and white conversion. I think it might be even stronger.

    Family in Autumn


    This is my first real attempt at a family portrait. Subjects are

    backlit by the sun. I used a 420EX with an off-shoe camera cord fired

    with -1 FEC as fill. Shot in M mode, 1/100 at f/8 on tripod with

    cable release. I don't know if I downsized this very well for Web

    viewing - the original TIF doesn't appear grainy or oversharpened

    like this JPEG, but I think it's a decent representation. I

    appreciate suggestions for improvement, but especially those

    suggestions that don't involve the purchase of new equipment. I know

    I could get a better result with a softbox, etc. for fill, but that

    is not an option right now. But what could I have done differently

    for a better photo with the equipment I have? How about in post

    processing? Thanks for viewing.


    I like your composition and angle. Although the color of the blue sky is captivating, I think you would have gotten a stronger shot either earlier in the morning or closer to evening, so as not to blow out the highlights in the clouds. The blown highlights distract from your subject and an otherwise nice photo. Colors are also a bit cold - warming them up might add to the appeal, and also could be accomplished by changing the time of day shot. Nice work.


    I think your composition is outstanding, as are the tonal values you have represented here. If I had to make a criticism, I might like to see the subject a little sharper, but it is a very good shot as is.
  2. Comments and constructive suggestions welcome. This is one of my

    first attempts at using channel mixer to render a B&W image. It was

    shot from quite a distance, across a river that flows through

    downtown Milwaukee. Thanks.

    Last port of call

    Textures and composition of this photo are great. I like that the POV reveals mid-range depth (inside the hull) and long-range depth (the sea and beach in the distance). There appears to be vignetting in the upper right corner, but not in the others. Is that because this is a crop? That darkened corner, unfortunately, draws my eye quite a bit, but otherwise I think this shot really keeps the viewer involved. Nice find.

    A Frosty Morning

    Great composition - I can't imagine a better placement of objects/elements. The frost on the flora almost makes them look like underwater plant life, urchins and coral. Beautiful!

    Game over

    This photo is brimming with emotion - where so many sports shots are now dominated by the 600mm plus super telephoto lens, you've told an incredible story in an instant. My favorite parts are the restraining hand of the ref, and the tense muscles in the victor's neck. The intensity is palpable.


    My gut reaction was that I like it. As I look closer I see one difficult aspect to reconcile - the lights above her head give her a nice backlighting, but the row of lights that run right into her head are simultaneously distracting because of their placement. If there were a way to get the backlighting but not have her head the lights lined up, that would be ideal. I do like the strong lines throughout. Wish her face was sharper (her arm looks sharpest to me), but that could be the scan.
  3. I really like this shot - I could easily see it on my wall (in a room that is colored much like a beachfront). There is interaction and the coloration is singular. Are the crabs underwater in this shot? The eleft side of the frame looks like it has those sun reflections on it.
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