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Image Comments posted by 337_photo

    Sexy lady Part II


    not a horrible thing but my eye goes to the "fly aways" in her hair... easy photoshop fix... just to clean it up


    Seeing the other shots from this series i like the color more than the Black and white... great lighting



    i love it image...

    i do wish she wasn't so hidden by the hoses

    if i was shooting her i would have rotated her body so her feet were away form camera and head towards lens... and had her put her arms thru the open space...

    i do think the eye line is a little off... if her eyes were looking a little more towards lens...

    but very creative and technically spot on


    needs some retouching ... your blacks are not there... bring them back ... pop the contrast. and make some cliping masks around the shadows and darken them... just me... but i think the idea is good...

    see you again ...

    to bad you shot it poorly... the canvas ruins the photo... it would have been amazing if the curves mirrored their heads... but maby next time... cuz i know you see the moments that souround us all and the ones that matter so keep taking and work with the forground next time...

    Daisy Chain

    very cute... but i dont think the "very slight" sepia brings any thing to the photo... if it were just black and white i would like it better... just me... cheers

    Mike Study #9

    love the sloppy border... really adds a lot here... over all i would like it better if it was closer up... but thats my eye... very good image..
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