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Image Comments posted by peter_dattolo

  1. This was my first time actualy taking pics of people with this camera and also in this type of situation. I took a few at first in auto and that was obviously not going to work good after 1-2 shots so i switched to manual focus and stayed with that the rest of the time. This was exciting to get these pictures thru people jumping around and pushing you and over thier heads. I can say that "waiting for the perfect picture or pose" goes out the window in this situation....just take whatever shot you see and look at them later is what i was thinking during this. For those who take "people" pictures and never have taken pictures in a situation like this "mass frenzy" ...all i can say is practice using manual focusing and try it, its quite a rush and a real experience. It makes it better when you come out of it with good photos. Thank You for the comments, I really appreciate them.
  2. I took a little over 300 pictures in the 40 minutes he was signing autographs and the ones i posted here are the ones that came out the best. I am happy with what i got and surprised these came out as good as they did. I only knew of one that looked really good but i was not sure until i got home and checked them closer. They will look good in my portfolio when i get that set up.

    neon beach

    This pic is very creative. Very well planned. In my opinion its good the way it is. To light up the grass would have been useless to me being that he is in water (how to set up a light for that without being a octopus or another person). Second with the lense he is using it would not show up too good. I think the fact that he got the shell and the sky in focus is a awsome achievment and excellent planning in creativity. This si a picture you can be creative with though....maybe a few shots with lightning in the background or prop up little martian models walking on the water away from the shell towards the land ?????? Excellent shot and very creative, Thank You

    Sun Kissed Body

    I personaly think the sharpness is ok, unless you were trying more for that "foggy/dreaminess" type shot. As for the overwriting... since you have a digital that can be tricky. In some programs if you make changes to the photo, it will not change the original file, just the one in the program and it will save it as another file in which you have to click yes to do that. Since you do have a digital try checking the drive (compact or stick ect) if you didnt delete the pics off the drive you still have it. Also i would make a file for pictures you want to edit, try copy o rmove to that folder and rename adding a "1", so you will not over write the original and you know its not the original by the "1". You can also have a file system so you have the original pic file and a editing pic file and a already edited pic file just to keep them all seperate from each other. You wont lose anything that way. Another thing to try before you close the picture, if you already saved it, you should still have a "Undo" option, so if you saved it and relize that was the original, you can "undo" back to the original and save it again. You will need to go to setting and change the "Undo" to record like 5-10-15 back (depending on what the program allows you to do). Some programs allow to to make a copy to the program which saves you from making changes to the original also. I hope you can use some of this advice to help you out. Great picture
  3. I am a bit confused as to why nobody is catching the point of this magnificent photo along with the obvious name. This is obviously the work of a seasoned professional in my opinion, as can be seen in other photos of this author. In the name "Manifest of Feminism" is in relation to his lighting and the female form which on the left blends in with the wall and is strikenly bold on the right side as if the female form is stepping from the wall which also is indication with the legs open as they are. This is what i see in the picture, my opinion only unless the author of the picture cares to give his insight. I think this is fantastic photo, VERY creative and not at all deserving of some of the rude comments already made above.


    This picture looks good, nice posture, good lighting. Maybe cropped to much of the left side, i would have at least gotten the ear in the shot, if not the whole head.

    The Den

    B&W pic? I would crop some of the overhead. With the branchs in front of the cat i might have focused in closer on the cat to avoid the branchs on the left being the center of attention instead of the cat. Great angle though for the background. A close up of the cat (outstretched body and face would have been nice) with the background might have been pretty good also. Did you get any of that?


    needs a little something but its hard to say. Maybe a little more light on the subject (natural light) and maybe a little more focused than the background would make it a great photo. Maybe some diffused light near the bottom of the pic to even it out but dont overdo it, just enough to see the subject and still look natural.
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