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Image Comments posted by nina1




    Paul - this picture is 100% full frame.

    Emilie (10 years old!) is really easy to work with, and here she's posing in her fake fur :)


    Emilie #3


    You really have to stop now or I won't be able to get any sleep tonight :D I'll just be laying in bed with a silly grin on my face... hehehe

    Seriously - I never thought so many would like it this much.


    Ok - the new tutorial is here: http://www.eyesondesign.net/pshop/soft_colors/picturemanip_intro.htm


    I'm too tired to proof read it now - so if you find spelling errors or other faults please let me know. I haven't published it on my site yet, so this is kind of a preview :)


    Take care everybody!


    :) Nina

    Emilie #3


    I'm really overwhelmed by the positive feedback on this picture. This has been great fun :) I'm actually sitting here writing a tutorial for my site on how I achieved this effect for those who might be interested reading about that. I'll post the link here as soon as I'm done.


    About the catch lights... hmmm... I guess others might have to answer that question. It doesn't bother me, but for all I know others have other views on that :)


    And I suddenly realized I forgot to answer a question earlier about the light source; Yes - it's light from a window on the right side + a white reflecter to lighten up the shadows.


    :) Nina

    Emilie #3


    Thanks again to all of you!


    Jean-Paul: The "dust" you're talking about are her freckles :) I've toned them down but I really want to keep them. It wouldn't be Emilie without them...



    Emilie #3


    Thank you all for your generous comments and ratings!!

    I know a 9 year old girl that's going to be smiling pretty wide when her mom shows her this thread tomorrow :)

    Take care everyone!

    :) Nina

    Emilie #2


    Thank you all for sharing your views!

    Mark: Your suggestions are more than welcome :)

    (Her left eye is much lighter from the light coming from a window on that side). I've attached a new version for you where I've burned in the lighter eye a little bit.

    Thanks again - and wish you all a great weekend :)





    Hehehe - thanks Ivar :)

    Oh I'm sure you have friends that will let you borrow their kids as well. Most parents would love to get some extra shots of their loved ones.

    :) Nina

    Shy but curious


    Hiya Ivar!

    Thank you so much for your kind words! Nice to hear some still appreciate my work ;) And of course I don't mind you adding my link! I really have to update that B&W tutorial some day soon as well - I'm using another method that's a lot quicker these days and that don't need much tweeking afterwards.

    I visted your site - and enjoyed my stay :) I've grown up with dogs (Gordon setters), and had an Irish setter myself for 5 1/1 years (he got sick and we had to let him go poor thing), so I enjoyed your animal shots as well. They're just remarkable creatures.

    Take care Ivar - and keep shooting :)


    Best wishes Nina

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