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Image Comments posted by georgejo

  1. It seems to me it should either be silhouette or landscape but it isn't purely either. If landscape it should exhibit the foreground information. As a silhouette there is just enough in the foreground to detract. In my amateurish way I would have metered on the blue of the sky to the right and then recomposed the scene - as a landscape.

    Early Spring

    Nicely composed. Next time you go there I'd like to see it later in the day and with some clouds in the background. Also, maybe pictured in the fog or other inclement weather!


    A great opportunity and you took advantage of it! Good use of fill flash. You might like to close it in as the mundane coat detracts from interesting the face.


    An excellent close-cropped photo. The lighting looks as good as if done in a studio. Black & white works well here. Congratulations - George J.
  2. I like this subject and your treatment of it. But I feel a path in the woods shoud lead to something - a mountain, a hut, a lake, etc. Then again, there's the wonderment of just where the path is taking us - in life. Congratulations on a fine treatment of an autumn subject.


    playful twosome



    An excellent shot, closely cropped. The shutter speed was just right and you needed that, since I think the camera was hand-held. It does seem a bit dark, though.

    George J.




    This is too busy for my way of thinking. I like the black & white treatment but except for the title I wouldn't know what the subject is.

    George J.


    I wish she were looking into the lens - otherwise I can't read the expression because I don't know what she is looking at - awe? sorrow? desperation? fright?

    Otherwise, there are nice hi-lights in her eyes!

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