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Posts posted by martin_k1

  1. When I came home tonight, I found that my apartment has been visited by a

    burglar. Amongst other things, my 70-200 2.8 IS was stolen.


    Now I'd like to know, whether there is something like a database, where I can

    register a stolen lens? I guess, the lens will soon be sold on Ebay....


    I think it is interesting, that this lens was the only photographic equipment

    that was taken away. Not the 17-50, not the 100 Macro, not the EOS 1VHS body.

    That lens must really catch the attention because of its size and colour....



  2. My studio flashes have an optical trigger and I use the popup flash covered with black slide film to trigger them. That is a very cheap and convenient solution, no cables involved at all.


    Hi-speed sync is a function of the flash, not the camera. I doubt that studio flashes are capable of this.

  3. I have an old MF lens for my Olympus OM-2n with a quite big chip in the front element. After painting the chip in black I could not see any effect on image quality.


    A brand new 50/1.4 is now 295 USD after rebate at B&H. 205 for a chipped lens seams too high to me.

  4. Thanks to the digital revolution I was able to get one of the best AF

    cameras ever made for a bargain! I just hope, that film supply and

    development remain availabe and affordable over the next decades!


    But I have a little problem: It seems that a previous owner has set

    some personal functions (e.g. eliminating 2 shooting modes).

    Unfortunately the camera came without the EOS link software. Is there

    any way to reset the personal functions to the factory defaults

    without the software?




  5. This may be a dumb question: I soon will have the opportunity to shoot

    in a studio set up with 2 Hensel Integra 500 studio flashes. They are

    equipped with an optical slave trigger. Is there an easy way to use

    these lights with my EOS 30? Do I need to get a flashmeter? Do I need

    a hotshoe adapter to attach a trigger cable to the camera?


    Any advice is appreciated as I have never used lights like these before!

  6. Keep in mind, that the 70-200 2.8 zooms are huge and heavy. not like a small prime lens or a little EFS zoom. It is almost impossible for me to carry the camera with the 70-200 2.8 around the neck for more than 1/2 hour.


    If you can handle the weight, get the Canon 70-200 IS.

    If you are on a budget but want a 2.8, get the Sigma

    If you are on a budget and want image quality plus light weight, get the Canon 70-200 F4.

  7. The Canon USA warranty says that the product has to be purchased AND used in the US or Canada. So they might refuse to honour the warranty if you mail it directly from Europe to Canon USA for repair.


    You can find a 20D for 1,343 ? in Austria, including 20% VAT. That is 1,455 USD w/o sales tax and less than B&H charges (1,500 USD). Check out www.geizhals.at

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