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Image Comments posted by aaron_bratcher



    Robert, Michael, and Bobby- Thank you for your kind words...I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this is a decent photo!


    Chris- I love that you got that impression! I personally thought of an aging actress bowing at her final curtain call.


    Ray- I've found that this technique is really perfect for any kind of still life...and you can do some really cool abstract stuff with it as well. Good luck!

    Lighting tulip

    Great job, Ray! I've tried some similar stuff using a small flashlight to paint the images. You can check out my portfolio to see one of my better attempts (shameless plug, sorry...) It can be kind of tedious, but I really enjoy the technique. BTW, what kind of bulb did you use and where can I get one? I don't see any wires, so I'm assuming it has its own battery...
  1. I like this subject...If you're able I might try going back to this spot around sunset or sunrise when the sky color might contribute a little better...You might be able to do some cool stuff with more extreme wide angle lenses as well...Or perhaps experiment with cropping out the sky all together?...I think you could potentially have a winner on your hands


    This is looks almost like a painting. Give your imagination a pat on the back. This really is an image that I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing. Wonderfully done!


    It may just be monitor-ial (I love making up new words) limitations, but it looks like it could be a little bit sharper...And personally, I would experiment with cropping a little bit...There's just a little too much negative space at the top. You're on the right track though, good luck!
  2. The sky is nice, and the different colors of water is cool...I think I might have gotten more of the bridge involved in the composition to make the scene a little more dynamic.
  3. I like where you're going, but I think the image is too busy...I might try sharpening the priest and the boy, blurring the background a little more, and cropping it to isolate just the two of them...but that's just one guy's opinion.
  4. Hello Photo.net, I'm Aaron! After several years of lurking and commenting here and there on PN, this is my first (hopefully of many) publicly displayed photos. I love getting feedback (even negative feedback as long as it's explained), so please comment away. And I'd like to reiterate, this image came straight out of my camera...no PS. I do some work with PS, and I will always make note of it in future posts. Thanks in advance for your comments, and I'll shut up now.


    As many times as the "droplet of water" shot has been done, I still think it makes for a good image. Great colors. I also like that the droplet is centered, but the origin of the ripples seems to be offset to the right a bit. Well done.
  5. Good image, but I think it could be better. It seems like the upper right and lower left are a too light, and the upper left and lower right are too dark (on second thought, the bottom left may be just right). The street in the middle is a little dark too. I really like your vision here, and it seems like you've got good source images to work with. I'd try playing with the levels a little bit in PS, and see if you can tone down the blown out parts and get a little more detail in your shadows, or you could go the complete other way and see what you can do to emphasize the opposing light and dark and put a whole different spin on the image. 6/5. Good luck!
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