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Image Comments posted by jan_swiderski


    I don't like the restaurant on the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower, but that has nothing to do with my appreciation of a photo of it. There are a lot of silly people that discuss silly things on this site.
  1. All this is very eloquent. But when it comes down to the facts, we are only able to express such opinions, however diverse, bcause we live in the luxury of a free world created and maintained by the USA. All the whiners would very soon change camp if that very liberty was ever threatened. It's all very well and good saying you don't like the way the USA treated Sadaam. Try and reverse the situation and imagine having said within Irak that you didn't like the way Sadaam regarded Americans! Ha .... one of the sons fed people that insulted his family to the lions in one of his "Palaces". Nice fellow. What a shame the allies killed him!
  2. I have lived under slavery. You morons that go on whining like that have just had it too good for too long. It's always "others" that have to fight for our freedom. Go to bed every night and ask God to bless America for protecting us from these evil doers. Are you really too stupid and uneducated to understand that all they want is to bury us? Read the KORAN. I am particularly suprised by Gold-stein.

    The boys

    Robert Goldstein for President would be considerably worse! Sorry, I forgot what we were here for. I think the photo is very good and I am grateful to our government for the freedom they give me to express these ideas. Goldstein is an ungrateful and pompous fool. Maybe he forgets into whose land they were shooting missiles.
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