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Posts posted by markdcb

  1. I have to do a lot of portraits of people in my office (management) for press releases and all that. They often tell me to 'take 5 years off.' Not only do I remove skin blemishes, moles, whiten teeth and fade wrinkles. I also reduce the sizes of noses, underchins etc with Photoshop Liquify. When I do this I always send them a 'before-after' sample so they can assure that a lot of digital work has been done. (hopefully this makes them feel a bit guilty as well)
  2. Hello Bob,


    Sorry to hear about your problem with the 80mm lens. If you have tried with different lenses and you don't encounter the same problem it can not be the body.


    As I'm not a Hasselblad repairman there is little I can say, however I suggest posting in the Hasselblad forum: http://www.hasselbladinfo.com/

    There are very technical people active there and they will surely direct you to what should be done.


    Best regards,



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