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Posts posted by lauren_reynolds

  1. Hello Fellas..


    I've had the large format bug bite my ass and it's been driving me

    nuts for a while. (you may remember a previous post questioning about

    MF vs LF) Well I decided to start buy buying an inexpensive LF press

    camera... and I just bought a B&J press camera with a Kodak Ektar

    f4.5 - f32 101mm ES 4452 Lens.


    I bought-it-now off of everyone's favourite auction site for 100$

    (plus a few bucks shipping).


    Did I get a good deal? I'd like opinions, because it took me a long

    time to finally settle on an inexpensive camera to play around with

    and I sure hope I did.


    thank y'all



  2. The OM-1 is an amzing little camera, and excuse me but the Rebel is just an awful one. I was in a position very similar to yours a while back, shooting with an OM-2, and deciding I needed a newer camera. The only one I could afford was the Rebel, which I got, and hated. Get the OM fixed, if you are used to its simple and smooth manual operation especially you will NOT be happy with a rebel.
  3. Thank you all,


    You Gentleman have been very helpful.


    To Jay - I must say that this graflax of which you speaks absolutly intrigues me, and I will investigate it more, and you are right about the contact printing, I too like the idea of the ease of a straight from the camera negative..To Mr. Hicks I will certainly investigate your books.. To Mr. Donovan -- I really like the idea of a 4 x 5 with a rollfilm back, and I will keep on looking.


    To all of you thanks a billion for advising a barely legal photographer, everyone's adivice was different and helpful. As it stands now I'm lined up to check out some used hassey equipment at my local dealer to see if they'll give me a good price, and I may be able to scrounge up another couple hundred from education bonds for even more equipment (after all, I am a photo major!)


    Quite frankly though, I still want to go larger and will probably try to score an old 4x5 off e-bay and see where that takes me. (something about the LF cameras seem so real and solid and inspiring to me)


    I will let you know what happens.


    thanks again,



  4. Hello and good evening gentleman (and ladies)


    I would like to start playing with a larger format system, and I

    would love to have some of your imput - here is my situation.


    I am a student, I have been into photography for only about two years

    seriously but it was a hard deep dive. I shoot 35 mm with a Nikon

    N80 or one of my small army of Olypmus OMs. I've experimented with

    medium format via the Holga, the original Diana, box cameras, and

    other 50s era platic wonders. I've got my own darkroom with a

    bessler 23c III enlarger, and my photographic interests range from

    fine art to fashion, fetish/erotic, and even travel. (two european

    backpacking trips under my young photo belt already)


    I know this seems obnoxiously broad, but should I be looking at

    medium or large format? Studio work is probably my number one

    interest if that helps (though I have no lighting equipment), and I

    am very much into alternative processes. One final note, I have

    about 700$ to play with (though I'd like to not spend it all on one

    piece of equipment), and I'm not neccessarily looking at purchasing

    THE SYSTEM which I will build on and own for my entire professional



    That was an awful lot, thanks in advance.


    -Lauren Reynolds

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