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craig mw

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Posts posted by craig mw

  1. First thing buy a dictionary. There is no such word in the english lanuarge as "amature". The correct word is "amateur". Any potential client would deem an inability to spell as a indicating a lack of professionalism.


    Sorry about that. But I tend to not worry to much on spelling in a public forum, and at that in an anonymous place such as this, failer to proof read, coupled with a typing speed that at times outpaces my ability of catch spelling errors doesn't result in any ill-effects other then attracting the attention of the internet grammer police.

  2. Over the last three or four years I have developed a passion for photograhpy,

    mostly of people, as I'm sure you all have.


    After doing a couple weddings, portiate sessions for friends, and working in a

    studio, I've come to the conclusion that I'm getting to be somewhat good at this

    whole photograhy thing :)


    Now lets assume that I have the talent to do this for profit, what else do I need?


    1: Equipment, ok like everyone else I a gear head. A camera, lenses, studio

    lights and other misc things, as well as back ups of anything that is even

    remotly important to have. But are there extra little things that you have found

    to be a life saver? Things that are not commenly known but you have found that

    you can't live without?


    2: Business stuff. Well as of right now I own my own business so setting

    everything up, at least for me is simple. A couple phone calls a forum or two to

    fillout and I can be legally set up to take pictures for profit. Perhaps

    something I should do quickly as it will allow me to write off my camera equipment.


    3: Experiance. As I've said before, I have only done this for a limited time,

    and for close friends. Now comes the hard part. Building a portfollio, that

    doesn't just consist of a few close friends. We've all been a 'guy with a

    camera' how did you go from that to being the "guy with a camera and an

    impressive portfollio?" In other words, how do I find weddings to shot while I'm

    still an amature?


    4: Marketing. Well with my business marketing isn't a huge issue. I wouldn't say

    that its at all simular to marketing your self as a wedding photographer, a sign

    on the road, and a couple drinks with my bigger clients more then keeps me

    afloat. Not so with photography, so how do you guys attract business, and what

    works well for you?


    5: Anything I've missed? I'm not planning on jumping into photography as a full

    time job overnight. Though it is a goal, but one that can, and perhaps should be

    done in steps. I'm looking for advice from those who have done it before me so I

    can minimize the growing pains.



  3. Well I finnally got around to holding it today, and I wasn't impressed. Mostly because of the lack of a vertical grip, since I'm married to mine after shooting a wedding with it, how could I ever leave home without one now?


    Perhaps itsa best to wait untill next mounths photo show to see if Sony can promise us something bigger and better. If it were not for the slim hope of something better coming along I would have gone the nikon routge long ago. I'm hestitant to give up my minolta system for a little while longer.

  4. Thats what I'm afraid of, its a small and light consumer camera that doesn't have the feel of a pro body. And no doubt I'll miss the vertial grip.


    The entire reason I went to the minolta line when I felt it was time to expand was the feel of the camera. It took me all of about 5 min in the store to learn the basics of the camera, and learn most of the functions. And 5 rolls or so untill I could find every controll, and setting in the dark.


    I suspect I'm going to have to wait a while untill someone in my area stocks one being that I live in a small city. But any opinions would be nice untill then.

  5. Ok so we've all been waiting to see what sony could bring us the replace the

    long lost Maxxum line that we so dearly loved.


    We got the alpha, which seems to be an ok camera tech wise. I know it's missing

    a fullframe sensor, and it looks small, at least compared to the Max 7 with the

    grip attached (and sadely one isn't offered)


    Now I want to know how the camera feels in your hands. Since thats the big

    selling point, and the whole reason I bought my 7 in the first place.


    Do you miss the vertical shutter release, and the controlls? Does it feel as

    easy to use, and as quick to master, something the Maxxum line was famous for?

    And most importantly, can I buy one, and start using the advanced features

    quickly, assuming I know the 7 inside and out?


    Oh one more question that I havn't figured out yet... Will the Maxxum flashes be

    compatable with the sony line up, especially in wireless mode?

  6. Hello, one quick question. I was seriously considering riding across

    country horse-back. Well at actually around a 200 mile ride over

    several days/weeks/mounths. Anyways has anyone ever done somthing

    simular, and if so how in the world did you protect your camera

    equipment? Obviously one would need a water-proof bag and some way

    to protect both the equipment and the horse while riding. Any help

    would be welcome.

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