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Image Comments posted by nathanchristopher


    Hey Blake! Langley Camera club right! If I'm wrong correct me k? It's Nate! Great shot! Your photo certainly caught my eye! Sorry I haven't been around in awhile, nice to see that you discovered photo.net. I haven't made any submissions in awhile...to much business to do. Check out www.reflectionsinlight.com if you wanna. Write me a note if you get this note/critique..haha some critique...awesome job, keep it up. Say hi to everyone if you still attend.


    Maybe including some of the surrounding environment would give us a better idea of what were looking @ and the significance of this photo. Cheers.
  1. It may be a great image, but for me this doesn't quite do anything. I love the distance that this image inspires, the tree in the background, is very sharp. But the image itself, seems uninspiring, almost flat. Sorry for the negative comment, but there are plenty of [better] images that have been posted lately.


    Markus, this is one of the coolest photos I've seen on this site in a long time! Great perspective, tone, and emotion. it really made me give it a second look. Well done!

    Bridge #2

    This is simply jaw-dropping. I would love to know the details of this shoot, I mean ALL of the details. f-stop/ how long the exposure was, what filter you used to keep the color of the city lights so clean...everything. What was illuminating the underside of the bridge?? Wow, this shoot blows my mind. 7/7


    Paul this is brilliant composition. It's a pity that it appears to have been a windy night when you took this. The branches look like they were moving during what looks like a lengthy exposure. What a splendid location though. You should really try this one again under calmer conditions. Well done. 6/6

    "Dead End"

    I think this is a great photo, maybe ment more for a cruel chuckle then an abstract photo. It made me chuckle. Good eye for spotting the situation.
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