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Image Comments posted by martink

    House sparrow

    What really makes this photo wonderful is the fence that rises and falls against a completely blurred background. That adds an interesting rhythm to an otherwise static image.

    the end?

    Images of signs can always be tricky. What makes this work is the environment - particularly the background. I like that you placed the sign perfectly against the horizon and lines the pole behind it up with one of its own supports. Well done!

    the train

    Wonderful capture of a moving train. This is a very successful abstraction created by your own creative use of the media. Keep it up!

    Grey heron

    This is a wonderful capture. Photographing birds is tough. They seem to move stately until you try to photograph them. Kudos on this one.


    Really great image here! I and several others have also found interesting happenings on large, rusting containers. I liked this image more before I realized what it was. I applaud you for recognizing this. Try finding surprises in ordinary parts of the world.

    no entrance

    This and several other images in your portfolio here are straight-on symmetrical images. That's always a safe way to go and I do it plenty myself. You might want to try other approaches to formalist images.

    Three trees


    This is a very simple and elegant image that is well realized and well printed. 

    I like the asymmetrical balance and slightly "off" composition. There is nothing that does not belong. The controlled palette is very soothing.

    Whether this is a "best image" or not is irrelevant. Nicely done!

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