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Posts posted by wayne_firth1

  1. You probably have a pinhole in the bellows. Probably more than one. They are probably on the corners of the bellows on the left side where your hand rubs when you operate the lens. There have been threads here about the lack of new bellows available for this camera. I would get rid of the camera. It's a nice camera but delicate. If you keep it you might be able to patch the bellows with tape.
  2. How about a cardboard box about 24" square and 260mm deep. Cut a

    hole in the front for the lens. Mount the lens (mounted on a board) on

    the front with strong tape. Cut a big hole in the back. Attach

    drafting vellum or mylar, or some other transluscent paper to the

    back. Draw an 8x20 rectangle on the screen. Throw a focusing cloth

    over the whole thing and look through it. Sounds like a camera

    doesn't it --- but it will only take about 20 minutes to do this and

    then you will have your answer.

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