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Image Comments posted by hantsoo



    I like your series on metal spirals a lot, and this one is the best. Is that broken glass all over the place?


    My only gripe is that the "B3" is not in focus. I'd like to see what you could do with this and the rest of the series with a huge DOF to get as much as possible in sharp focus.



    I like this one, it's a good concept. However, Charles does have a point -- it looks like only the far end of the left rim (our left) is in sharp focus. It'd be good if you could get a deeper depth of field to keep all of the foreground completely in focus. Also, the background is a little bit distracting, so you could try isolating the glasses even further and/or moving so that all of both frames are in the picture, which would make it more unified.


    But first I would definitely try making it B&W and increasing the contrast, which could make it really cool.

    Old Radiator


    This may be my favorite of yours, along with "Building Facade." The kind of photography I really like -- understated, elegant and with a story to tell.


    That said, of course... :) if you want to do some post-processing, try lowering the gamma value slightly, or adjusting the tone curve by strengthening the near-whites to get a little more dynamism between the (primarily white) top of the radiator and its more shadowy receding sides.


    Rocky Beach II


    Hey Evan,


    A good shot with a lot of color. However, it looks like you could get much more vibrant color if you reduced the exposure a few stops. The colors look a little bit washed out right now. If you want to do some post-processing, you could reduce the gamma value or simply darken the image, and heighten the contrast a little bit to bring out more of that red.

  1. Hey Evan,


    It looks like the sky was exposed fairly well, but the bell tower itself was somewhat underexposed -- its details are muddy and indistinguishable. This shot has a lot of potential though. I would try increasing the brightness or the gamma level, or, failing that, desaturate it and heighten the contrast.

  2. Here's an odd truck that is constantly parked in a lot across the

    street from where I live. The words "Grey Ghost" are cut into its hood.


    Unfortunately, the sky got compressed pretty severely when I uploaded

    it to PN...

  3. Very good shot, so I'm wondering what effects were used in PS, especially to get the detail in all those branches and twigs. This might be my favorite in your portfolio... Striking, and the kind of photography that really appeals to me.
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