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Posts posted by jason_dean1

  1. Henry,


    The negatives are a bit contrasty. Were you using a filter? I appreciate contrast, but this might

    be a little too much. For example, the photo of the man in the chair - his pants are really

    blown out, and I can't see any detail in the white. Maybe your development time is off as well.

    Make sure to consult the necessary charts. You might also think about what you are trying to

    say with your images. However, I like where you are going - keep up the good work!

  2. Adam,


    Hey, don't sell Gen Y Leica users short. I am one too - but I just graduated from college.

    Congrats to you!


    Ok, If I were you, I would go for a single Leica lens. When I first got my M6, all I could

    afford was the latest 50 Elmar. I went a year before I got another lens. But that's just me. If

    I was going to spend the grand on lenses, I would go for Leica lenses. For me, at least, I

    prefer to wait and get the Leica stuff. However, you know what you need and want to do

    far better than any of us. And when you do decide what lens(es) you want, and you have

    them, post pics!

  3. Hello!


    I wondered if you guys who own either the 90 Summicron f/2 latest NON ASPH/APO and

    those who do have the new ASPH/APO version could post some pics. I am looking at a 90,

    and am torn between those two versions. I have heard the ASPH/APO version is "too

    sharp," so I wondered if you guys might be nice enough to share some pics, and maybe a

    some mini-reviews?






  4. I had a similar discussion with myself about two years ago. I had a nice Hasselblad set up,

    and also had my M outfit by that time. Here's what I ended up deciding: the Hassie stuff was

    so heavy and ungainy for faster work- street shooting/informal portraits. But the Hassie is

    great for subjects that don't fidget and get nervous and such. Also, I lugged my Hasselblad

    stuff (501c, 150mm, 80mm, 40mm, and 2 backs) all aroung the four corners area last

    summer, and that outfit was pretty heavy. All this to say, I would keep the MP, or whatever M

    camera you like, just to have something small and light. But, if you decide to get rid of the

    MP, let me know, cause I would trade you my M6TTL, and my Rolleiflex 2.8e TLR for your MP.

  5. Hi all,


    I am thinking about purchasing a faster 50mm lens for my upcoming trip to NYC. I

    currently have the latest Elmar 2.8, and was wondering how this compares real-world to

    the latest, pre-ASPH Summicron, and the same version Summilux. I would really like to

    hear about the Summilux, as I think the extra stop would be nice. I read Puts' review in the

    lens compendium, but I would like to hear how it performs "real-world." Also, if you were

    to choose between the Summicron and the Summilux, which would you choose?


    Thanks so much!



  6. I had a G2 for a while, and the M6 is much better. I use only black and white film, but the

    metering in the M6 seems tailor made for black and white. The results I got with the Contax

    were acceptable, but were never amazing. The Zeiss lenses were a tad too sharp for me as

    well, and I am not that big of a fan of AF. But, that is me, and you know what you want/need

    best. Good luck!

  7. I used Tri-X for a few years, but then switched over to Delta Pro 100. I just did not care

    much for the grain of Tri-X. So, that might explain why I like the first set of images better,

    even though there is just a slight difference. I also find the Delta Pro to be more lumious

    than other films (though I am sure others will disagree). Anyway, great work with both

    films, I just like the Pan F stuff better.

  8. I don't know if I would call it settling, because I am very happy with my Leica outfit.


    M6TTL, .58 chrome

    90mm 2.8 Tele-Elmarit

    50mm 2.8 Elmar (latest collapsible)

    35mm 2.0 Summicron ASPH


    Billingham Pro Hadley case

    Metz 32 Z-2 flash

    Zone VI Modified Pentax Digital Spot Meter


    No settling here - I have everything I need in an outfit, and it fits in a tiny bag, unlike my

    Hasselblad, of 4x5 stuff!

  9. Hmm. I really like this photograph in black and white. It is very luminous, and simplifies

    the subject nicely, as opposed to color, which I think might be too busy for this

    composition. But, Ian was right - do the same shots in color and in black and white, and

    the determine what you like better - it doesn't matter much what others think.

  10. I own an M6TTL, and I would say go with the M6, if there is any way you can afford it. I

    agree that the M2-3-4 were better made cameras, but the M6 is a Leica, and so it's head

    and shoulders above most anything else out ther on the market.


    Why would I take an M6 right now. M6's are at a low in price right now, with the semi-

    recent introduction of both the new MP and the M7. You also get an internal meter, which

    is a huge plus for me (and might be for you as well). The M6 has a very easy to use film

    loading system as well. Also available are the different magnifications for the M6 (.58, .72,

    or .85) which can be useful, depending on the lenses you plan to use.


    I would totally avoid the screwmount stuff, because it is really difficult to use. The film

    loading is even more difficult than on early M cameras, and the two viewing windows are a



    if there is any way you can afford it, go with the M6. The M4-P and M2 are both great

    cameras, probably built better than the M6, but they lack an internal meter.

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