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Posts posted by graham_rowe

  1. I do quite a lot of landscape work using a Mamiya RZ67. Like the

    rest of the world I would dearly like to cut down on tripod weight

    without compromising picture quality and was interested to read about

    the new Manfrotto carbon fibre tripods (particularly the three

    section option). It certainly is light but my worry would be whether

    it would be sturdy enough for the RZ67 - or would the Gitzo 1329 be a

    better (if not more expensive) bet.


    Any thoughts or sharing of the benefits of experience would be very

    much appreciated.


    Graham Rowe

  2. I regularly use Fuji Velvia with my Mamiya RZ67 and am always

    delighted with the vibrancy and sharpness of the transparencies.


    I have had a number of transparencies printed using the Cibachrome or

    Ilfochrome method. I expected some fall off from the original

    transparencies as you can with any prints compared with slides.


    I have been particularly disappointed however with the lack of

    sharpness and tonal range of the Cibachrome prints I have received

    back. I have tried a number of reputable printing houses but the

    results have to all intents and purposes been the disappointing same.


    Have I been plain unlucky or is what I have described a problem with

    Cibachrome? The quality is definitely there in the transparencies

    and I have not chosen transparencies of extremely high contrast.


    Am I doing an injustice to Cibachrome?

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