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Posts posted by anil_nediyara

  1. Yes Scott, I do frequent Usefilm.com and am a member too. I used to

    read Photonet post but off late PN has become a place for flame wars

    and most discussions were more of personal interest and contributing

    very litle to the photo community. Usefilm projects and photo

    critique are very enlighting and the members are helpful in making

    you achieve your photographic goals. I would request you to join

    USEFILM.COM and experience what you have been missing at Photonet. I

    may add that PN was the first photography oriented web site to give

    me first hand technical information but USEFILM.COM has opened my

    eyes and directed me to the creative side of photography which is

    much more rewarding than alking about resolution of lense or number

    of pixels or ABCDE brands od gadgets.

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