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david abrey

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Posts posted by david abrey

  1. I've been looking at picking up a cheap rangefinder, and I'm thinking about

    getting an Olympus 35 RC as they are very cheap, easily available and

    frequently recommended. However, should I wait a bit longer to get something

    like the Olympus 35 RD, Yashica 35 GX or Canon GIII QL 17 (although funds are

    tight so the Canon might not be an option), as these have faster lenses than

    the f/2.8 of the RC?





  2. Bjarke,


    I've seen the same guy recently in Covent Garden:


    <CENTER> <IMG SRC="http://homepage.ntlworld.com/dave.abrey/pictures/IMG_0025.jpg"> </CENTER> <P>

    Not Leica I'm afraid (Canon 10D), but thought I'd share anyway :-).




    I recently went to Bath for the first time - lovely city :-). I saw the performer in your shot, but I didn't get one myself :-(. However, I did manage to get this one:


    <CENTER> <IMG SRC="http://homepage.ntlworld.com/dave.abrey/pictures/100_0016.jpg"> </CENTER> <P>

    Again, not Leica, but Canon 10D.





  3. All,


    Thanks for the replies :-). As it turns out, I've found out that I have a little more money available than I'd originally thought, so I can afford to get a portable CD writer. This has the advantage that I can use it as a CD writer for my fiance's PC too :-).




    I had a look through your pictures - there's some really nice ones there :-). I'm really looking forward to going there!!!





  4. Tim,


    I've recently got the 15-30mm, and I love it :-). I've got some samples posted here:


    <a href=http://homepage.ntlworld.com/dave.abrey/carshow/ TARGET="_blank">Car Show Pictures</a>


    If you look around, you should be able to get it for £399 (try Camera World in London).


    As for the 17-35, I've never used one, so can't really comment.


    Hope this helps :-).





  5. I'm going to Bangkok, Koh Smaui and Angkor Wat in August for my

    honeymoon, and I'm going to be taking my Canon 10D. So lots of

    pics :-). I'd like to know if there are any places in Bangkok, Siem

    Reap and Koh Samui where I can burn images from my compact flash

    cards on to CR-ROM?


    In Bangkok we're staying near the New Petchburi Road. In Koh Samui

    we're in the North Chaweng area. In Siem Reap I'm not sure what area

    we're staying in!





  6. John,


    Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen in the near future :-(. I recently bought a Canon 10D and some lenses - I was supposed to be going on a safari to Kenya for my honeymoon, and the extra reach given by the 1.6x crop factor would have been very useful, making my 75-300mm lens reach out to an effective 480mm!!! However, due to a suspected terrorist threat, British operated flights are not going there for now, so no safari for me :-(. I've changed the destination to Thailand and Cambodia, and I suspect that a Leica would have been perfect for the job.


    I think that given the amount I paid for the 10D and the lenses, I would have been able to get a Leica body and lens to get me started. However, I like working with digital, as it's very convenient to be able to view the images so quickly after taking them. I think the Leica's are fantastic pieces of engineering (I can appreciate good engineering, as my father is a model engineer, making scale steam engines), but I love my 10D now that I've got it :-). Maybe I'll get a Leica some day, even if it's a 'cheaper' second hand older model. One day... ;-)





  7. Ever since getting a Canon 10D, my interest in all things

    photographic has developed. I've been looking around at a number of

    sites, and I've come across a few things I'd never heard of before...

    including rangefinder cameras :-). So I read a bit about the basics

    of how they work etc. However, at the weekend, I was in a Leica store

    in London, and asked if I could have a look at one. Having only ever

    used SLR's and point & shoot cameras, I was impressed by the way the

    focussing worked - it looked to be quite a simple system, and easy to

    get used to. So my question is, do all other rangefinders use the

    same sort of focussing method? Or a variant of it? Or even something

    completely different?





  8. Gerry,


    Congrats on getting the 10D :-). They are very nice cameras.


    Don't believe everything that you hear about the focussing problems - I genuinely don't think it's as widespread as some people believe, although I acknowledge that there are **some** people who do have problems with it. All I know for sure is that mine seems to work OK, and I love it :-).


    Hope it works out well :-).





  9. @Hans,


    Thank you very much for the very detailed reply :-). It's certainly given a few more options. I really hope that the Kenya thing blows over, as I'd love to go there. This holiday is for my honeymoon, so I want it to be really special. And we may need some of that champagne and crystal glasses you mentioned :-).


    The sitaution I'm in is that I've booked and paid for the Kenya holiday. However, my travel company have said that I can change the destination up until 9th June without incurring an "administration fee". After that date, I pay the extra. The travel company only offers certain destinations, which is why I listed Tanzania and South Africa.


    However, I spoke to my fiance, and we agreed that the best thing to do is to wait for a week or so to see what happens, as the threat could go away. So fingers crossed.




    Thanks for the info on South Africa. It certainly sounds like I wouldn't be dissapointed going there! I'm no expert, but I think 18 leopard sightings in seven days is pretty good going!!!


    One final question - what's the weather like in South Africa in August? Isn't that the height of winter south of the Equator?


    Thanks for all the advice - it's been really helpful. If anyone has any more info, please let me know :-).





  10. Yesterday, British based airlines were told not to fly to Kenya due to a specific terrorist threat

    (see http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3031801.stm). Obviously, I'd still love to go to Kenya, but if the situation doesn't improve,

    then I should be able to rearrange my holiday to another destination. The two that spring to mind are Tanzania and South Africa. I'd be very grateful for any information anyone could give me on what these countries are like for safaris. For example, I've heard that the tourist facilities aren't as well developed in Tanzania as they are in Kenya, and that you are restricted to roads in the South African parks. Any other points to take in to account? Are there cheetas is Tanzania and South Africa?


    Thanks you very much :-).




    Dave Abrey.

  11. Herman,


    I know :-(. That's the downside of the multiplier, I guess. However, at the moment, the 'widest' lens I have is the 28-135mm IS (45-216 in 10D terms), so the 15-30mm will give me a reasonably wide option that I don't have at the moment. After all, someone pointed out to me that whilst there are many animals to shoot at the long end, I shouldn't forget the landscape shots, as the scenery in East Africa can be quite spectacular!





  12. Thanks for the replies :-).




    The safari is in Kenya. I can't remember the exact details off the top of my head, but I think it includes Amboseli, and definately includes the Masai Mara - are you familiar with either of these?


    My main concern has been that I may not be too close to the animals for my pictures to do them any justice, but from what you say, that may not be too much of an issue. Do you have any idea how close the animals might be?


    I've heard a lot of good things about the Canon 100-400 IS lens, but I'm afraid it's just a bit too far out of my price range (around £600-700), even used :-(. I've also heard good things about the Sigma 50-500, which should be just within my budget.


    I have to say that I'm surprised that you say that my current 75-300 will be more than enough, when taken in to account with the 1.6x factor of the 10D. But pleasantly surprised! If this is indeed the case, then I'll be able to spend the money elsewhere to fill some holes in my inventory (specifically thinking about a Sigma 15-30mm for wide angle, and an external flash).


    I had a quick look at your site - there's some useful info and some nice pics too :-).





  13. I've decided that I could do with some more reach for my upcoming

    safari, as my current 75-300mm IS that I use with my Canon EOS 10D

    could be a bit too short, and would be way too soft with a

    teleconverter (unless someone knows different...). I've found a

    couple of UK stores that are advertising the Sigma 100-300mm f4 + a

    Sigma 2x teleconverter. What I'd like to know is:


    1) Has anyone used this combination? If so, what's it like?


    2) If I used the magical 'Taped Teleconverter Trick'

    (http://www.fredmiranda.com/TipsPage/), would the lens still

    autofocus OK?


    I know that AF would still work OK with the 1.4x t/c, but the stores

    in question are offering the 2x, and it would be very nice to have

    600mm :-).





  14. The reason that I've not loaded any pictures taken with this kit is that it's been sat in a cupboard until I recently revived my interest in photography when I got a new Canon 10D. I though I'd dust it off and give it a run out too :-).





  15. I'd be very grateful if someone who's familiar with Praktica

    equipment could have a look at the list below and let me know if

    it's OK gear. What I have:


    Praktica BMS body

    28mm f2.8 Prakticar/Pentacon lens

    50mm f2.8 Prakticar/Pentacon lens

    135mm f2.8 Car Zeiss Jena lens

    55-200mm f4-5.6 Prakticar/Pentacon lens


    OK, I know it's not in Nikon FM / Olympus OM / Canon F1 territory,

    but for an entry level system, how does it look?


    Thanks :-)



  16. James,


    I've recently been doing the same research that you have, and there appear to be a couple of lenses that consistantly come out well.


    1) Canon 50mm/f1.8. This costs around £80 (or I would guess around $80 in the US), and people reckon it's very sharp (although I'm afraid I've never used one myself). For the money, it's generally considered one of the top bargains in the entire Canon range :-). The current version is the Mark 2, which has a plastic construction, but don't let that put you off :-). There was an earlier version that was apparently more robust, which you may be able to find used on ebay.


    2) Canon 28-135mm/f3.5-5.6 IS USM. This should cost around £350 (again I would estimate around $350 in the US), and is rapidly becoming a favourite 'walkaround' all purpose lens. I picked one up recently, and the Image Stabilisation is great - general opinion is that with it on you can gain up to two stops worth of shutter speed, making those low light hand held shots attainable.


    As for the more expensive options (by this I assume you mean the likes of Canon's 'pro' L-series lenses), I'm afraid that I don't have any experience with these, so can't offer any suggestions. However, I think that with either of the lenses I've mentioned, you won't go far wrong to start with :-).


    Hope this helps,





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