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Image Comments posted by peter_smith17


    I don't usually look at flower photos but this one got my attention. A subject that has been an inspiration for many a painter. I would have been tempted to do a shot with a child's head just popping up in the clear patch in the middle of the photo.
  1. Reading my last comments again they seem a little abrupt which wasn't intended. I would just like to add that I do like photo and if the lighting had been different, this is a picture that I wouldnt hesitate to give 7/7. :-)
  2. I find the composition of this photo a bit confusing. The individual elements of the photo are good but they are just not combined as effectively as they might be. Is the subject of this photo, the clouds, the house or the grass at the bottom right? The lines of the hill and the outcrop of rocks lead the eye to the building on the hill but the brightly lit grass drags the eye away. Have you used p.s. to lighten the circular area on the left? If so, I would have used ps to highlight the building and not the grass. This would have made both the line and tone of the picture emphasise the same thing rather than competing with each other.


    I like the idea for the pose but the lighting isnt my taste. I would have prefered something that resembled a dark study/library (something with a bit of mood). Perhaps a desk lamp illuminating the book and cup and the model.
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