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Image Comments posted by msmith13339


    boring? different chair? no shadow? maybe you should photoshop a clown into the picture and the crowd will be entertained! :) but I like it just like this, color, exture, lighting, style-- you captured a still life moment beautifully.
  1. wow. at first I thought he was hanging from that thing behind his feet. might want to photoshop that out of the picture. also might be better with just a slightly tighter crop so we can see more of the daredevil.
  2. Wow Brain, great shot. I can almost hear the crickets. The green lignt, I could take it or leave it. It adds a Great Gatsby overtone, but you are in the wrong state. (There was a green lignt on a dock that Gatsby would look out to from his dock, I think it was where Daisy lived, and the green symbolized money.)



    great shot, but I wish it was not so dark on the elephant's side...


    btw, I also like your photos of Venice and Sri Lanka. Oddly, I have lived in both places.

  3. Beautiful image. The outline of the trees against the sky, the way the clouds seem to consciously follow the contour of the land, the light on the tractor, the house on this side of the trees-- just great. One of the match-ups looks off but I'm glad you posted it anyways.


    I really like this shot just as it is, and I agree, there is a tendency to reward the over-produced image on this site, but that might be another function of human nature...
  4. Brian, thank you for pointing out that many of those fantastical sunsets on this site have been enhanced. Call me naive, but I never thought of digital manipulation when looking at them. I just thought, maybe these other guys were lucky or determined or both. This photo would benefit, in my estimation, from more definition in the foreground. I like the idea of looking to the side of the main event. I wonder what the picture would look like with a mirror image attached on the right-- maybe a supernova?
  5. Hello Brian. I see now you have a slightly different version of the frog looking through the window here on your corner of photo.nut. I'm impressed with both and would like to suggest that you upload one of them to your portfolio because it would be amusing to see what the rest of the community thinks about our combined artistry and your wizardry. As for which one, they are both fantastic and I could not choose.
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