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Image Comments posted by sergiy_podolyak1

  1. Shot is great. Looks like old hollywood movies. Try well-known but forgotten two-step developing : 1. develop normal time minus one-two minutes 2. DO NOT rinse, then continue developing in a water+SODA solution 4-5 minutes. 3. Fix as usual.



    Yes, truly fantastic.

    A method?

    First, I thought about hot metal or plastic balls dropped into boiling water.

    See http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=1253495

    Close, but not true. After several hours sitting at my TFT and examining the rest of authors folder, let me make my final suggestion:

    Glass box is filled with (hot in this picture, just below the boiling point of gel- to make water drops to look like rounded balls, cold in very first ones) clear transparent glycerin or organic gel. The bottom of box (in order to make all of us fool) is on the left upper corner of a shot. You can see a blue fire (Jim is cooking?- no, just heating the gel) on the reflections in that corner.

    The author drops hot water (clearly above the temperature of boiling of gel) into box from top. Red and green stars on the walls of box add some fun. Maybe in some nice day Jim made a shot of his palm on the box and has seen a picture of a palm on each bubble anyway a very good idea.

    Lens is probably macro. Flash with reflector is used aside from camera, or the box is standing just near window. Camera is on top-side of box. The (pretty dark) room has 3 small windows and one large window on one side, and at least one window on the opposite side (where the box is).


    Am I right, Jim???

    Tell me, please. I will not sleep tonight!!!!

    Kiev. Ukraine.


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