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Image Comments posted by ali_joker



    It looks like a student project at first sight to me; random objects put together in Photoshop. It's a bit more though, it has created some 'atmosphere'. But then nothing more
    Before landing on this image, I saw a "surreal" picture of 3 overweight women, dressed in the style of ancient Greece, shooting the breeze, standing on a flat mosaic limitless surface with a giant statute in the back and sky scrapers and a TV set right there in the middle. It was titled 'Graces'.
    My reaction is the same: What am I looking at?
    I admit this one is at least more interesting to look at. But then after 10 seconds of 'exploration' all I'm left with is an image I struggle to understand and a tendency to relate my failure with some emotional sensation that (young) females get from lending their hair to forces of wind, water, ... but I don't. And the click of a mouse to save me from this page.
    I do see her listening to the submerged underworld. But still I find it an 'incomplete story'



    I really like it

    The cloth IMO gives the photo some weight. If it weren't there ther model would look floating in the white. Then it's a great color variation

    it also means setting herself free from the innocence to me



    very original and imaginative

    I love her skirt, it means modesty to me, or even seduction

    IMHO the three pairs on the top right aren't helping to the overall image (except for a visual balance)

    Syrphidae & Drops


    I love your photo, i really do

    salam va tabrik, ye soal: man tazegi ye seri macro az hasharat gereftam

    tunestam jaye ye parvane ro peida konam va azash koli ax begiram, ama asheghe dragonfly hastam

    chetor mishe unaro nesheste peida kard?




    is this real?

    its really really beautiful.

    i love the low focus and all the falling rice and papers.

    the vignetting isn't doing bad also.



    it reminded me of one of my own photos. I'm getting this feeling quite a lot these days. not sure if its a constructive feeling :)


    Marry me please !


    wonderful shot. I love the colors and the atmosphere it creats. I have tried many times (indoors and outdoors) to capture light beams like this. but i've never succeeded. i wonder if u can share with me how it's done. thanks

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